[b]ENTRY#31[/b] "I killed it! I killed it! I killed the beast! I blew the charges at the perfect time and the ceiling caved in on it. I can see its arm and head. It's scaly with patches of fir along with a tuft of hair like a Mohawk from its head down it's back. Hope fully there's only one, I'd hate to run into more. "I found some equipment in there. I got a head lamp along with a flashlight, an old sleeping bag, a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b1/24/ce/b124ce9a72c52976adacb7a54b0333c1.jpg]backpack[/url], a pickax, a [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NELyQB8X4ok/TxwbRsaO7jI/AAAAAAAAAFc/DjCBvxgHIFk/s1600/wasteland+killer+wolf.jpg]knife[/url], a [url=https://img0.etsystatic.com/068/1/6366772/il_570xN.794401870_hd8t.jpg]chopping axe[/url], and some spare riffle rounds. Turns out going into that cave was almost worth dying over. I'm gonna see if I can get anything off of the beast, I've decided to name it Charley." [b]ENTRY END[/b]