[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=36732&s=58&t=Rei&c=0000CC[/img][/center] Rei opened her eyes half-way before yawning. She rubbed her eyes before opening them completely and seeing the outside through glass. It appeared that she had fallen asleep at the window during the night, which wasn't too surprising to her, given the fact that she drops like a rock when she's tired. She stood up and once again yawned, not caring about her legs being asleep. She stretched before replacing the dress she had been wearing with a black and blue cloak that went down to her feet. The blue parts were a hood and a large band around her waist. She felt much more comfortable in this attire. [b][color=0054a6]"Much better."[/color][/b] she said to herself quietly before going over to her bag and pulling out a moderately sized messenger bag. She put in some notebooks, a pen, her special pen, and a pencil before proceeding to pile in the candy. Once that was finished, she left her room and began heading to class. [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=74869&s=50&t=Thanatos&c=330099[/img][/center] Thanatos finished setting up his classroom as he set down one last grimoire upon the dark surface of a desk. He then proceeded to shroud the books in darkness, making them blend in with the desktops for a trick he would do later. He had made all of his preparations earlier, so all he needed to do was wait. He sat down behind his desk and put his feet up on the furniture as he waited for the students to arrive.