[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AbhUvgA.png[/img] [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/b9fd2b8dae633ecd22d34ae0f99ce800/tumblr_nivfmqKdpQ1rwmyi8o2_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][color=ccccff]Location:[/color] Best Exotic Hotel [color=ccccff]Interacting with:[/color] Anaya, Alcander, Tasha, Marc and food that is alivveeeeeeeeeee Areum couldn’t believe what was happening with this godamned goat. And even now more people are joining in the fray as one does. Even Alcander walked in and just asked what the hell was going on. “It’s a goat load of trouble!!!” Areum giggled at her own joke. She cracked herself up as she continued to chase the walking slab of meat that was baa-ing his arse like he owned the place. But he wouldn’t be for any longer when the goat would officially be caught. Finally cornering the goat to a corner, she almost hugged it to pick it up but to no avail. It ran away and knocked Tas over before running going around some more and going upstairs. She took a quick look at Tas apologetically before placing her attention back to the goat. [color=ccccff]“GEOGI AJEOSSI LEUL JAB-A!”[/color] Areum shouted Hold it right there mister! in Korean as she ran upstairs until she fell up the stairs as she did so. But she wasn’t going to let it get away godamn! [color=ccccff]“OH NO YOU WONNNNN’T!!!!!”[/color] Areum shouted upstairs as she ran up. Before she knew it she ran out of breath and had to breath for a minute or so. That was when she heard gangnam style while breathing in and out… Areum charged outside of the room singing [color=ccccff]“eeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy sexy lady!!”[/color] and eagerly following Marc as the song finished. As soon as the benny hill song happened though, Areum couldn’t help but try to cover her mouth in complete laughter, this was the perfect song! God damn! She snapped out of it a few seconds to try catch the goat once more, but she had to stop sometimes to laugh some more.[/center]