[@JohnSolaris] Got it. Time to go through SMT's wiki for a while to get ideas. [quote=@FrozenEcstasy] No clue who or what Haruhi is ALSO, the biblical "Lucifer" has dozens of names, some denominations ascribe him several names that are not his own, and some take some of his names and make new people out of them. FOR INSTANCE, half those Princes that John named are using names that actually belong to Lucifer, and one of them isn't a demon at all (Leviathan), but an animal. That is, if you are going by the original bible and the correct translations. Hi, my name is Robby, and I'm somewhat of a theologian. [/quote] I disagree, but I've found this to be a touchy subject so I'll just say "satan was originally a title" and leave it at that. Figured the haruhi joke wouldn't fly. [quote=@ravenDivinity] [@FrozenEcstasy]: I, too, am an armchair theologian. Join me as I lead you on a journey about the conflation of Lucifer and Satan over time. [/quote] ^