[h3]Deven Zoria and Jenna Fellrein: Lyn's Hunt[/h3] [b]Deven Zoria[/b] It happened fast, as Deven closed in on the beast, it dropped low and lunged for him. He only had a few second to react, he did as much as he could to brace for the coming impact. As the beast collided with him he grunted and was forced to take a step back to cope, a moment later and the beast's paws warped around his legs and he was fighting to stay standing. If he hadn't braced he would have certainly been taken clean off his feet by the force of the impact, a thought he tried to keep out of his mind as he struggled to remain standing. The muscles in his legs strained against the beast's effort, he could only keep up this resistance for so long, eventually the beast would be able to topple him if he didn't act. It's head was ducked into his side which protected it's vitals and kept only really it's muscular back as a target for his blows and given it's proximity he didn't have enough space for a full swing to do any real damage. So instead he shifted his grip on his sword and angled the tip of the blade towards the beast's back and prepared to drive the blade down into it. [b]Jenna Fellrein[/b] He arrow narrowly missed it's mark, skimming along the beast's back instead. As she grabbed another arrow she watched as the beast lunged toward Deven, thankfully he had braced for the attack and was able to remain standing. Now that the beast was grappling with Deven he was once more blocking her vision of it. She couldn't help but wonder if the beast was doing this on purpose, it couldn't be that smart could it? Pushing the thought out of her head Jenna quickly shifted positions she needed to get a better angle on this thing. She quickly moved between the trees always keeping the fighting in the edge of her vision as she maneuvered. Eventual she settled into a new position next to a tree towards the rear of the beast, this put her in closer proximity to the girl they came to help. She couldn't help but notice something seemed odd about her, something about her complexion struck her as different, and wait did she just hiss? Jenna tried her best to ignore it, she had much more important things to focus on, there was the beast that was currently trying to kill everyone. She nocked her new arrow and drew back, this time she aimed for the beast's thigh muscles, with the hope of inhibiting it's movements, if she could slow it then it would become much easier to land a finishing blow.