She sighed helplessly. the fire was there she could feel it, but could not quite connect to its energies. It was very disappointing for the ball of energy as commanding the elements was one of her only means of functioning. "Perhaps it is this strange place Earth that prevents me from taking hold of these elements" she mumbled out loud while aimlessly wandering the underwater fortress. "The elemental currents are definitely present on this plane but yet..." A frustrated sigh. "I bet Deuce, or Big brother would know what to do. But alas, I can no longer feel their connection to me and I definitely can't do anything while im confined to this giant metal box. I mean there aren't even any trees to look at in here, no rocks to explore...nothing, but a pack of strange looking creatures." She continued rambling as she hovered ever closer to the room she had felt the fire coming from, her usual blue hues almost black as they resonated with Dayna's Depressing mood. She passed through the doors of Herbert's room. passed by Dimitri and the others, prodding and feeling everyone's strange, unusual energies, it was almost chaotic for Dayna. So many energy signatures she was unfamiliar with. perhaps the closest aura she could relate to was the one radiating from Twain. it seemed that same bitter and cold feeling was universally stretched across to this plane. It was a very foreboding energy signature. "Mr Twain" she began "I've decided I do not like it in this metal box. There aren't even any trees around here. It would have been better if your people left me where they found me. Everything feels so cramped in here. You must release me at once or I shall try my hardest to punch through this Metal box we are all in and release myself." she stated curtly. "Punch through and go where little lady?" Dimitri asked bemusedly, We're thousands of feet under water. we'd all be drowned and crushed" "I don't care, water means nothing to me. If you people wish to stay all cooped up in here then that is your decision! All of you feel so strange to me and there's nothing beautiful to look at in here." Dimitri scratched his head "Aren't I beautiful enough to look at?" he asked with a silly smile plastered on his face, completely oblivious to how serious the elemental sprite was at that moment. Dayna moved dangerously close to the monk. Energies crackled within her, wishing to to lash out at him, but to no avail, she was utterly useless at that moment and perhaps this was what bothered her most, all she could do now was glare furiously at him, A glare furious enough to almost cut. "I'm leaving" she stated viciously, practically slamming into Dimitri as he nonchalantly side stepped to allow her passage. "I will find a way to put hole in this metal prison Mr. Twain" she called back stubbornly as she returned to the hallway. "My my, that was intense wasn't it, she could use a drink. Do you think she's serious?" Dimitri commented to the room as he returned his focus to Herbert. "Will he be all right Twain?" he asked, while snapping his fingers in Herberts face. [h3]Winston[/h3] Winston had locked himself in his quarters. "What a day" He was pouring over all the data they had gathered on their new guests, and all the information Trident had chosen to divulge on the current situation. "They're still vague as ever" he grumbled as he poured himself a glass of whiskey. "But I must say, plenty of interesting specimens, plenty of new information to learn. Other worlds, different planes of existence, time line merging and who knows what else! It all kind of makes me want to return to the field again.