Just as Tali was growing bored of swatting at the little demon birds they seemed to disappear. It seemed like they were being drawn to something. She flipped over and examined them from the ground. The girls that were fighting these birds earlier seemed to be fighting powerful beings - that much she could sense. She slinked behind a building and scaled up the bricks to the roof. She joined some of her feral brethren and peeked over the edge. She now realised that the area around was manned by a thickening amount of cats. She hoped the humans wouldn't notice. From her new vantage point, Tali could see two girls gathering. She stared as one seemed to freeze, then the other ran over. She crouched down and lifted her ears to tap in on their conversation. If they were well aware of their surroundings, they would surely feel eyes on them. As the girl reach down to the one on the ground Tali stalked the building's edge. She did not know if they were friend or foe just yet. [@Noxx][@kusanagifire]