[quote=@The Kid Lantern] Marvel knows how to make step by step movies for their superheroes, but if you've seen one you've seen them all. Aside from the first Avengers film, Winter Solider, Guardians of the Galaxy, and probably Civil War... they've all been kinda... [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2c/90/6a/2c906a9c2665a3f8bbdbe625195902d6.gif[/img] ... with DC they're still trying to figure out how to showcase their characters in a way that isn't the same formula for every movie. Ironman 2 and 3 were both picked apart by fans and critics, same for Thor Dark World, and even Avengers AoU didn't do as well as TPTB expected. Batman V Superman wasn't the raging success it was supposed to be, but it did enough work in one film to set up an entire franchise of other movies. I'm even more excited for DC's future since my favorite Green Lantern [Kyle Rayner FTW!] may be in the GLC flick. Only thing that'd ruin that is if they go the super-Spanish route which has been a gimmick thrown at the character to make it seem like their GL line is more diverse. He was part Irish with a mother from Europe and never knew his father, then when his father's revealed to be Spanish eight years after the GL was introduced he starts speaking a little Spanish here and there and now we have the shit fest that was super-Spanish Kyle speaking fluent Spanish prayers with a darker skin complexion. Okay, rant over. LOL ~KL~ [/quote] BVS was originally four hours long so it's no wonder that it had editing issues, I would have broken it up into two parts, but Justice League is already doing that. Right now I'm really excited for Flash, Aquaman, Suicide Squad and the Justice League movies. Dark Universe will destroy everything that Marvel has done if it is made and done good. A movie with actual magic and the occult which is something Disney will never allow in a movie. Also Lobo and the Booster Gold/Blue Beetle movies are going to probably happen. I seriously hope WB does Ambush Bug because he's so better than Deadpool in my opinion. As for Green Lantern, I really want Guy Gardner, he's my favorite next to Hal.