[@Chaotic Chao] About 9pm, I think? So I've been playing Fire Emblem lately [s]after stealing it from the internet[/s], and already my poor protagonist has gone through absolute emotional Hell. The list of emotional travesty includes: [list] [*] Two members of her training unit killed. [*] The brother of her best friend is dead. [*] Her new friend is dead, right after they began getting to know each other. [*] Her crush's fiancee is dead, right after some really eerie foreshadowing [s](called it)[/s]. [*] Two of her mentor's best friends are dead. [*] The cool guy who could've potentially been a cool friend or lover died. [*] Her homeland is basically fucked. [*] She's constantly having to worry about the relentless, upcoming battles without any breaks. [*] She was upgraded to a Sage, yet three people died the following mission. [*] People accidentally make her weaknesses more apparent, lowering her self-esteem (basically depressing her). [*] She can kill enemies with ease, yet doesn't posses the power to protect others. [*] She's forced to carry on as though everything is OK, for the sake of everyone else. [/list] ... I should write a fanfiction about this...!