[center]The search for answers was halted for a moment as a rather loud, scruffy looking sort of brutish man drew the attention; it seemed he had no more idea of what was going on than Jihl did. It was then that the bespectacled woman noticed that she was not alone in this greenery. There was the loud brute, of course, but there was also a rather fanciful looking man - some sort of prettyboy that made Jihl wonder for a moment what it would look like if the face was much less pretty; there was a fair haired lass - or so Jihl assumed the gender, it was difficult to peg at a distance; another blonde sort...the common thread that bound them was neither seemed to understand much of what was going on. Still, the presence of others was enough to get Jihl to turn around and approach them with equal parts caution and curiosity. She recognized none of them, but then nothing about this place was recognizable...and even closing her eyes and trying to picture someplace that was recognizable and familiar was drawing nothing but blanks. Fluttering about behind her, still afraid to be shoved around once more, was the silent Mogrika; Mogrika wanted to rest on top of Jihl's head but dared not to even try. Mogrika valued life far more than comfort. [color=lightsteelblue]"So clearly you're not the brains of this little circle?"[/color] Jihl asked in her low tone of voice as she approached the group, having only heard the scruffy man ask for directions. [color=lightsteelblue]"I'm sure you have your uses in spite of your mental deficiency."[/color] Jihl adjusted her glasses as she spoke rather derisively. [color=lightsteelblue]"Before we go traipsing along together or whatever it is that you all intend to do, we should establish some sort of hierarchy. The strong looking sorts can be the fodder,"[/color] Jihl looked between the tanned man and the sword-wielding blonde as she spoke of 'fodder', [color=lightsteelblue]"The others...well that remains to be seen. But since the loud sort here has no clue about directions I appoint myself to navigate. It shouldn't be terribly difficult, so long as the brutes stay in front."[/color] Jihl seemed rather smug at her appointing of duties, regardless of if they would be accepted or not. It was after this little statement of intent that she noticed a smaller addition to the ragtag assortment. The diminutive sort caused a little tweak in Jihl's face, a tic of her head to the left. [color=lightsteelblue]"And I suppose you're a...kicking ball of some sort?"[/color] Jihl shrugged, paying little mind to the little swashbuckler. [color=lightsteelblue]"So then...what lies to the South and why are we just standing around?"[/color][/center]