[quote=@Arawak] Where are you getting the idea that warp drives are more realistic and have set limits grounded in reality? Last time I checked FTL is pretty much just a device to get characters around the place faster than reality permits. Warp drives aren't really different since the exotic matter needed for them may not even be possible to attain. It could be hyperdrives as well for all intents and purposes. [/quote] *sigh* Because warp drives [i][b]do [/b][/i]have set limits grounded in reality, according to Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Warp isn't just a fictional tool- it's a real scientific theory, that has real limits, in real life. Warp is also the only potentially realistic FTL drive that has ever been conceived, and is likely the ONLY possibility. Ask NASA :lol Seriously, you seem to have this idea that warp doesn't have any limits, but that isn't the case. According to every scientist who has ever studied the idea, there are real limitations. We can't go breaking the laws of physics, guys. Einstein himself believed that if something like Warp was possible, it would be limited. This is a real theory. It's not just a Sci-Fi/Space-Opera tool. I'm going to have to drop out of this RP. I'm sorry. Don't take it personally, guys, I just have really high standards and I need a level of realism. Sorry.