[centre] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjRmYTNjZi5RV3g1YzNOaElFRnljbmx1LjAAAAAAAAAA/vtks-mockup.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxRpdZ-356E]♪Something is scratching it's way out♪[/url] [/centre] [i]"Raise the gates!"[/i] A great cry went up at the walls of King's Landing as the roads were cleared for the advancement of a large column of cavalry. Lances glittered in the southern sunlight, bouncing with each jaunter of the hulking destriers. The white falcon on a field of blue gave them away as the Knights of the Vale; about fifty plated riders moving in a tight three-man column. Behind the impressive column, a similarly ordered company of men-at-arms filed in and looked on suspiciously with too many weapons to count. It wouldn't take a maester to figure out who they were protecting. Slowing to a canter, the column tightened even more as they passed under the gates of King's Landing and onto the cobbled streets. Without much prudence, the knights rode on, expecting the crowds that had gathered on the busy morning to make way for them. Faced with a plated knight atop an angry destrier, anyone in their right mind would move out of their way and so they continued up towards the Red Keep without any resistance. Whispers ran like wildfire amongst the crowds. The last Arryn that had ventured out of their nest in the Eyrie was Roland Arryn many years before-hand, back when he was young and strangely spritely. Most of the rumours circulating about the family detailed that his daughter was a weak, sickly thing and that he locked her away in the Eyrie to make sure none ever knew of the Vale's weakness. This, understandably, caused a large amount of confusion when the rare glimpses of the Knights' charge showed a young girl who looked neither weak nor sickly. In fact, her chin was raised in silent pride as her flowing sky-blue cloak did little to hide the sword at her side. The column flowed up through the streets of King's Landing until reaching the gates of the Red Keep. At that point, each side careened off and the detachment was split wide open, revealing the cloaked rider atop her white mare. They stopped right there, lances piercing the sky as they faced down the gates of the Red Keep. The horses jittered nervously as the young Arryn heiress nudged her mare into a canter, leaving her guards behind her. A lone voice followed her into the silence, a one Ser Roy Hunter who had trained her as a child. [b]"Good luck, my lady."[/b] She advanced forward and the gate creaked open, emitting a glimpse of the inside. Pausing, she pulled her mount to a stop and turned slightly, casting her eyes back to the stoic line of knights that had gathered to see her off. In the back of her head, she wondered which of them would still be loyal by the time she returned to the Eyrie. And, for the briefest of moments, she wondered if she would even make it back to the Eyrie. Reaching up, she dragged her hood down, exposing a flurry of chocolate curls. Taking in one last glimpse of the Knights of the Vale, she turned her mare and advanced into the belly of the beast. [i]"Lady Alyssa Arryn of the Vale!"[/i] A herald sung and Alyssa frowned naturally. She disliked heralds - it almost felt like they were trying to announce their own presence instead of the noble names they were calling out. A servant darted forward, a boy who didn't look much older than she did but as he extended a hand to help her down, she climbed of her own accord and landed deftly. [color=skyblue]"Look after her."[/color] He seemed stunned as if she had told him she would butcher him where he stood but after a second, he took the horse and led it away. Another servant approached and offered to guide her to the common room where the other wards were gathered. His offer was somewhat void considering she didn't have a choice but she humoured him anyways as she escaped the harsh southern sun. It was much too warm down in King's Landing for her liking - she was used to living on top a mountain fortress so the sun was an unwelcome visitor. Too lost in thought, she realised that the servant had disappeared and she had arrived at the door of the common room. There was already conversation from inside. Alyssa sighed and gathered herself - she had spent an overly extensive amount of time learning about those present. She felt like that would never quite prepare her for the real thing - people don't seem quite so much like cunts when you read about them; it's only when you meet them that you get to see the real side of it. It occurred to her that everyone in the room were going off the same rumours as the common-folk down in the city. To them, she was a weak and sickly thing - she would have to do some work on her image. Rounding the corner, she entered the room and sighed inwardly. People were cunts. Animals seemed to outnumber humans, the most notable being the bear, a dog and a falcon. All owned by the cunt of all cunts. Or the son of the cunt of all cunts. Cunts had a confusing lineage. [color=lightblue]"It would seem I have forgotten to introduce myself. I am Tiras Rivers"[/color] She tilted her head, setting her jaw just to feel that familiar crack that reminded her that this was reality. Hatred had become a second nature for Alyssa. It was easy to hate someone you never met and swear you would drive your sword into them if you ever happened across them but Tiras was different. Tiras flew much further than what her hatred expected through no particular fault of his own. He stood there, living, breathing, and instead of shadowy figures she never knew, he was very real. He was no longer a nasty nightmare, he was alive and he could die. Maybe that's why she was getting all the nightmares? Because fighting shadows is a tiresome business. [color=skyblue]"Ah, of course you are. Just like daddy then? I'm sure Daerys won't mind at all - maybe threaten to pull your navy out and he'll bend over and kiss the bear himself. What was it; the bear and the maiden fair?"[/color] Reaching up, she unclipped her cloak and draped it over one arm as she stepped amongst the gathered crowd. Her eyes traced every one of them, cold and unrelenting. [color=skyblue]"Tullies, Tyrells, Starks, Baratheons and Lannisters. Forgive me, but for the life of me, I can't remember what happened the last time we all met."[/color] A coy smile graced her lips before she turned and found a nice wall. Yawning, she casually leaned her small stature against it, finding some comfort in her riding leathers. This would be fun.