[center][color=salmon][h1]Summer Flores, Lyn's Hunt[/h1][/color][/center] Summer groaned in pain as she finally woke up from being knocked out by the naga. She couldn't hear anything at first and she squinted her eyes shut as the light shined in her eyes making her head throb even more. She could feel her blood running to her head making it nearly impossible for her to comprehend her surrounding. She closed her eyes again her pale face contorted with pain. Summer attempted to move and rolled on her back to take the pressure off her churning stomach. [color=salmon][i]'Ugh...everything hurts'[/i][/color] she thought. At first she couldn't remember how she was knocked out, but the more she was awake the more she remembered. She panicked internally wondering if that vampire girl was ok. Summer tried to take deep breaths to focus on something other than her pain, but it wasn't working. She opened her eyes and tried to get them to focus and got them to focus a little bit. She was still in the same spot from where she landed. It was a complete mess from what she could tell. Her hurting stomach tightened with worry and panic as she didn't see any of her team around.. She sat up and gagged a little as she felt bile rise up in her throat from her movement. She knew that she shouldn't be moving, but she needed to make sure her team was ok. [color=salmon]"I n need t to find them"[/color] she stuttered out as she stood on her shaky legs, the throbbing in her head a lot worse and the urge to vomit was a lot higher. She needed medical attention, but she didn't care. She needed to find her team and fast. Bent over slightly she began to walk in a random direction. She stopped when she heard what sounded like people nearby and she began to follow the sounds. With her blurry eyes she could see two figures ahead of her. The closer she got the clearer they became. She recognised one of them and weakly cried out. [color=salmon]"L-Leith![/color]