Did everyone get the memo where you didn't HAVE to use that villain? The appeal was that everything wasn't happening to your characters, some things were going on in the background. If you even chose to write your character on the same day even, you had the option of mentioning it happening sooner or later in your posts or not at all. You give people too little room to work and they complain, you give them all the room they could ask for... and they complain. This was in the OP of the iCheck, so I don't understand why it's hard to grasp... [quote=@The Kid Lantern] I'm also going to be one of those people who insist this is a High Casual RP. I'm not exactly looking for Advanced level length posts, I just don't want to have to assist everyone with their own individual stories because that isn't what this game is about. Two or three players could be working on their own thing in the game while I'm mimicking a battle like Hulk vs Thing or Superman vs Batman with another player in the background. ~KL~ [/quote] ... at this point I'm not even sure if we've got enough people to continue? The Judge, Dark Wolf, Mayhew, and Gauntlet are the only one's who haven't dropped out that have posted. That only leaves [@FantasyChic]'s Radiance and [@Dblade26]'s Doctor Neutrino [or Gil Sinn]... ~KL~