[color=springgreen] [center] [h1] Ravel “Speedstar” Livoria D’Arby [/h1] [/center] [/color] [center] Wednesday, November 17th, 2015 12:00pm WJ Marriott, Room 603 [/center] Another day, another chance for the individual known as “Ravel Lavoria D’Arby” to once again prove her own existence as well as prove her family could once again obtain strength through her own power. Though that was a bit of a mouthful. Let’s start at the beginning. An offer one could hardly turn down. Though perhaps the existences of other “second owners” might not wish to partake in this war considering the situation in giving the winner the lands of Cusco. A powerful magi family without the rights as a second owner would revel at the chance to obtain such lands. The spiritual ownership of the Cusco leylines could be considered an honor to any magi family. And thus, those who wish to prove something would be able to be compensated for their skill. Unlike certain Grail Wars held in a certain eastern city which was a simple contest to obtain a “holy grail”, albeit a fake one, this was no such simple battle. The Grail in this war could be considered inconsequential. Even if it was a powerful tool, certain mages participating in Grail Wars from more reputable families tended to simply be there for a battle. To simply take the Grail from those who they believed were unworthy. Several families probably accomplished this in the past, but this was the sort of grail war which there was tangible benefit to actually win. However, at the same time such contests tended to have a “price”, and that tended to be the price of blood. One could simply be killed, ending a lineage of Magi. This would be the case for Ravel. The D’Arby family had once produced some great magi. However, due to unfortunate circumstances, and not unlike a certain worm family, the recent Magi of the lineage were, simply put, really bad. It seemed that the D’Arby magi line would simply die out, or get absorbed by another family wishing to improve their own standings. However, a miracle seemed to bless their home. And that was the younger daughter known as “Ravel”. Though not the perfect magi, Ravel was much superior to anything that the D’Arby’s had produced in many years. Therefore it made sense that she would become the next family head and lead their family in the right direction, out of the ruin the former generations had forced upon it. A weighted responsibility that someone like Ravel took great pride in wishing to accomplish. And what better to improve the status of a family than to win the Holy Grail War? Well, it wouldn’t be the “Holy Grail War”. Winning a Holy Grail War didn’t mean much to most magi. It was a backwater ritual the likes of which would never be considered “good” by association members. However, it wasn’t the “Holy Grail War, it was “The Holy Grail War”. One to end all others. That was why Ravel had arrived at Cusco. Being able to take part in such a ritual should be considered an honor. But honor had no benefits, and the purpose of this battle was for the winner to reap the benefits. Ravel would win and there would be nothing to stop her from doing so. After all, if the “strong” were destined to win, then by her own desires she would engrave the fate of the world after her own desire with that strength. She had to be able to summon the strongest Servant. She would summon the strongest class of Servant, Saber. At least, that is what she understood from her research. The Servants of the Saber Class Seemed superior in many ways to those of the other classes, from base parameters to legends involving swords, the one of the Sword were always the strongest. Perhaps with her English blood, she could pull the strongest card, the Saber, like the Legendary Knights of the Round. Yes, she would be able to summon a powerful legend, even without a catalyst, like Gawain, Lancelot or King Arthur. At least, she hoped she could draw out a Servant of this calibre. Though Masters were important to keeping their Servant in the war, a Master like herself could hardly hope to match a Servant in combat. If she were to draw a “dud”, then perhaps it was simply something that was “not meant to be”. If this was the case, Ravel would accept her fate and continue her pursuit for the Holy Grail, but summoning Stronger Servants tended to yield better results. Either way, Ravel had arrived at the city, drove to a hotel name she recognized, and took refuge in one of its rooms. Perhaps she should have made better arrangements? Luck would be had at her side though. She at least knew this hotel’s name. But enough talk [or more aptly, thoughts]. It was time for Ravel to perform her ritual. The purpose of the Grail War is to summon a Servant and utilize the Servant to fight battles. The circle was drawn. The stage was set. The Saber was the class of swordsmen. Those heroes who had donned a blade for their country, for comrades, for themselves. This happened to be one of the, if not the strongest class. However, that did not mean that the Saber was constantly the strongest servant, but rather a very likely contender for victor of the war. [s] Unless you are Takeuchi in which case this is the best class fuck all other classes gg Saber best Saber tbh fam. [/s] The Lancer was the class of spearmen. As one of the knight classes, the base class was stronger than other classes. Though compared to the Saber base class, the lancer held very little advantage. However, the forerunners of this class tend towards great agility, displaying exceptional prowess with their weapon and speed unrivaled by other Servants. The Archer was the weakest of the Knight class, but still comparatively strong.Servants placed within this class excel in possessing powerful Noble Phantasms, are able to act as highly effective scouts due to the skill “independent action”. However, archers tend to be less useful in closer engagements compared to the other Knight Classes. However, their range and ability to kite opponents tended to make them formidable regardless of the occasion. The Rider was the class of mounts. The companionship of beasts was a commonplace in stories of old. From horses to pegasi, the Rider was able to tame and act as a cavalryman with their mounts. Of course, Riders tended to have the advantage of “Summoning another being to fight”, despite the being being an animal. Some animals in legends were able to present issue to Servants, and but it tended to be a fight in the Heroes’ favor due to circumstance. A formidable class, none-the-less. Assassins were the classes of intrigue. Those who had taken to the shadows during their life, using their stealth to claim their victims. Able to nearly disappear from the world at whole, the Assassins specialize in “picking off”, for lack-there-of a better term, those whom had become separated from their Servant. At the very least, Ravel hoped she didn't summon a Servant of this class. It seemed, at face, to be one of the hardest classes to win a war with, but one with "some possibilities". Casters were the class of Mages. The strongest casters of spells throughout the history of man were placed in this class. Mages with abilities that might have been eventually surpassed by modern comprehension, but at the same time, beings so powerful modern magi might be incomparable to their prowess. Due to not requiring any strong statistics, they generally have low combat abilities, and due to the majority of Servants having some form of Magic Resistance, this class is thought to be the weakest of all seven. However, the ability to utilize arts lost to the modern systems of Magecraft does present its own tangible benefits. After some chuuni incantations in front of some pagan circle of some sort, a flash of light brightened the room. The summoning was successful, and the Command Seals on her arm presented the connection between the Servant and Master. She would draw the strongest card. After all, she was the one who was going to win this war.