[i]Paragon's End, huh? Has a fitting ring to it.[/i] Travis never anticipated their team would have a name; then again, he had not anticipated being here in the first place at all. It was clear that Felix appear proud of what had had organized and if everything was is he said it was, he had a right to be. If everyone out there was after the Paragons, including this Thadeus fellow, he will need all the help he could get. Noting that communication would play a crucial role, Felix produce a wooden chest via a mana-created dimensional pocket, a spell that perhaps proved far more reliable than Travis' convenient carry-on. Once opened, within the box were several manadials that Felix had had previously shown and briefly demonstrated their function. It was soon afterwards that Felix had asked everyone at the table who didn't own one themselves to take a manadial for themselves. "Much obliged," Travis replied as he took ownership over one of the manadials, "Never got use one of these before." As he studied the fascinating little device, Nemo brought up a rather interesting point as he unclearly described his previous 'line of work.' Nemo acknowledged compromising the manadials was a part of his tasked need to track any - Travis assumed - unfortunate individuals to be in his sights. The fact that these devices could be tampered with and be modified against its owner both impressed him but also made Travis somewhat uneasy; it was the thought of being tracked was what bothered him. Who knew whom they would be up against that could pull the same thing on them. But then again, as Nemo explained before he engaged in a bit of smack-talk with Raiya, there could be a way to prevent that possibility from happening via an enchantment. If that was the case, could other enchantments be applied to the manadial too? "As Nemo, interestingly noted, are there other functions to these manadials as well?" he Felix.