Sakura's glare at the creature in the form of a student broke when Jin suddenly started moving. Before she could react, they were already on the attack, but the situation they were all in faded into the background as tears welled up in her eyes. [color=violet]"You're... alright."[/color] She said, almost a whisper, then suddenly threw her arms around her friend's neck. [color=violet]"You're alright!"[/color] she cried again, practically swinging them by their neck. After a few moments, she snapped back to reality, or whatever passed for reality here. The situation was becoming far too surreal for her to take in all at once, and she figured she'd have a breakdown later, but for the moment everything was strangely clear to her. She settled onto her knees behind Jin, still with her arms around their neck. [color=violet]"Agi"[/color] She said, almost lazily, commanding her other self to launch her own ball of flame in retort. She raised herself to her feet, picking up the bow she had dropped, and looked at it for a second. Seeming to come to a decision, she unbuckled her quiver from around her waist and handed both to Jin. [color=violet]"You're still a better shot than me, for now."[/color] She said, a barely visible grin on her face.