[center][color=slateblue][h3]Claire[/h3][/color][/center] During the start of the conflict and right as things had started heating up, Claire had been accidentally shoved to the ground by innocents fleeing the cafe and had knocked her noggin on the corner of a table as she fell, effectively putting her out of comission for a few moments. Her body was hidden behind a collapsed table and she had blacked out, only to awaken after a few minutes later to the sound of yelling outside. The violent action had moved outside, and for good reason, she would find out. The building was on fire! The cafe had become a blazing inferno and clouds of black smoke made it hard to breathe. She choked as she inhaled some of it before attempting to shield her nose with a hand and a crumpled napkin she found on the floor. [color=slateblue][i]I need to get out.[/i][/color] She thought to herself, frantically searching around for the exit through the thick black clouds. [i][color=slateblue]How did the place catch fire so quickly? Was it built in the 30's or something!? There's so much smoke everywhere too, it's hard to see the entrance! Where is it?[/color][/i] The building creaked and groaned around her and she knew time was running out but she kept moving. Her heart was pounding and she was panicking as thoughts ran through her head at light speed. Eventually, she found a glimmer of light and rushed to it, climbing through the broken window and gasping for air on the other side, coughing as her lungs cleared. She hurried to the other side of the street. Claire silently swore profanities under her breath as she wiped the tears from her eyes and recovered. Then she blinked, taking note of the action around her. Claire checked herself one more time, frowing at the slight blur in her left eye and her dress marked by black soot in some places. Claire wasn't amused at the fact she had her coffee ritual interrupted and the place that made that possible was now up in flames with her being caught in it as well. Feeling equal parts annoyed, frustrated, and furious, she let her true form appear and tapped into the coursing veins of energy she felt within her and channeled some [i] prana[/i] into preparing a rather intense [color=slateblue][b]Glacial Storm[/b][/color] to sweep the local area. [@Leolycan][@VKAllen][@Eklispe][@rivaan][@Cubix][@TheWinchester4]