"Oh, no, it's no problem at all." [i]He never mentioned a secretary on the phone, though...[/i] Hoshizora Aiko watches in stunned silence as this women with an ill-defined relationship to her possible new boss bows to her. She bows after Aiko, more formally than Aiko, and deeper than Aiko. All appearances seem to indicate this woman is showing deference to Aiko. Aiko tenses up further. Is this how people bow in Chūkyō? No, that can't be right. This would be weird no matter where you were, wouldn't it? [i]Are you fucking with me? She's gotta be fucking with me.[/i] Hoshizora Aiko follows the woman into her apparent office, her face fearful but passive. She chews her lip, her palms and forehead are sweaty. She stands ramrod straight and expectant next to a small, ugly metal chair which sits in the center of the room, facing towards the desk. She is the very image of a nervous highschool girl. She takes a deep breath, her outward composure still shaky. [i]Greetings, I am Interview Slayer.[/i] [@Crimmy]