[color=purple][h2]Underground Search Party-Ruins[/h2][/color] Skylar answered Celes as she helped Sans up with Undyne telling him to be the muscle, "Probably not, judging from the letter," When Papyrus asked what he did in Celes' body, she answered "I think you just used some of her magic, Papyrus..." Mettaton, who hadn't made it too far away from the group, considering that he was in Skylar's human body (and apparently walking on fleshy legs was slower than just rolling on a wheel or flying around). He stopped when someone in his body approached him and seemed to be trying to calm him down. He raised both of Skylar's eyebrows in surprise for a moment, before smiling a bit and he said with Skylar's voice, "[color=magenta]I know, Dahling. But it's really not what you're thinking. I'm not too shaken up about this. If anything I could've ended up with worse...[/color]" He then continued seriously, "[color=magenta]No, I just...can't help but feel like I need to move forwards, and keep going no matter what. But I'm not sure why....[/color]" After taking a moment to think about it, Mettaton gasped and shouted "[color=magenta]OH! I KNOW WHAT IT IS! SKYLAR IS IN DESPERATE NEED OF A MAKEOVER!!![/color]" After helping Sansdyne up Skylar heard what Mettaton (or Mettasky in this case) said, and she turned to him in shock and confusion, asking with her voice in deadpan, "....What?" Mettaton continued, ignoring Skylar, "[color=magenta]OH YES! SHE'S IN A FABULOUS DOCUMENTARY THAT IS CURRENTLY FILMING AND SHE'S ILL PREPARED FOR SUCH AN ADVENTURE THROUGH THE UNDERGROUND! THESE DRAB CLOTHES AREN'T GOING TO CUT IT! I MUST CONTINUE ONWARDS! I'LL MEET YOU GUYS FURTHER UP![/color]" Skylar stared in shock as Mettaton ran ahead laughing, and she asked before she started shouting after him, "What?! NO! METTATON WAIT!!!" She groaned after he had completely ran on ahead, and face palmed David's face with a talon. She groaned with dread, "I'm not gonna survive whatever embarrassing makeover Mettaton has planned for me, am I..." [color=yellow][h2]Surface Group[/h2][/color] [h3][color=green]Forest[/color][/h3] Asgore noticed how nervous Sethlan suddenly became at the mention of going and apologizing to Annie. He nodded and answered his thanks with a smiling, "You're welcome," His smile disappeared when Sethlan found the sword and put it back in his sheath. He didn't like the idea of Sethlan carrying the sword around but he didn't speak up. He then said to Alphys and Sethlan, "Well, shall we go?" He then led the way, and as he walked, he told Sethlan, "Just think of this as a dental appointment," [h3][color=cornflowerblue]Town of Ebbott[/color][/h3] Annie looked to Erion when he mentioned that not telling him was alright. She nodded in response and she muttered as she continued walking with him, and staying behind him, "[color=plum]Right...[/color]" She had raised an eyebrow at his comment about not being surprised anymore, she asked "[color=plum]Really? I mean...we still know next to nothing about monsters. We can't guarantee that none of them are liars at all. They could still have a surprise or two up their sleeves,[/color]" After Erion stated that they should find those monsters and hear their apologies, Annie begrudgingly agreed with a "[color=plum]Fine...[/color]" Soon enough, Annie saw Asgore's group ahead and she hid behind Erion in caution.