[quote]IDK exactly what to do. If Kaze runs up I'm worried he'll be unintentionally blasted to smithereens by the angry Giratina, but it would be against his nature to not try to help a (clearly) dying person.-[@Rethel34][/quote] Well, in a roleplay, it's best to stick to your character's personality, even if it would put him/her in grave danger. However, I'm fully aware of how hard and stressful that can be. Keep in mind that neither Giratina nor anyone else can kill your character without your permission. Yes, they may pummel your character to the point where it would be utterly unrealistic for him to survive... but ultimately, Kaze's life or death is your choice. Alternately, you could choose this as a moment of uncharacteristic weakness and cowardice for Kaze, and later roleplay his reaction to his cowardly move. Either choice could make for some good roleplay if you stay in character. However, before you post, I'd like you to make sure one or both of Xerneas's halves has gone through to the normal world. Their post left his current position sort of vague. [@Sickle-cell], is Xerneas currently in the Distortion Zone or the normal world?