[@hoppiholla391] [@foxygen] [@Salrynn] [@Charnobylisk] [@Nallore] Okay, we have begun - [i][b][color=ed1c24]Do NOT post in IC until your relation sheet is completed in full and posted beneath your CS!![/color][/b][/i] You need to have that done before you can join into the IC carnage. Remember - At least 1 post per seven days in IC for each character and two posts between your last post. For those running more than one character, this can get a bit confusing - this means 1 post per character each seven days. This also means 2 posts between a certain character before you can post for that character again. Example - I post for Ada, Char posts for Ash - I cannot post for Ada again until someone else posts but I can post for Marc. Once I post for Marc, then I can make a second post for Ada separately but I cannot make a combined for Marc and Ada. Any questions, just ask. Now, make sure to take special note of posts in this RP - Clues will be dropped through out the RP as to what actually happened both in present time and flash back posts.