[@dragonmancer][@NachoBachoPacho] Griffin snorted at Drake. [color=39b54a]"Not going to happen.you want alcohol bring your own. We aren't providing for you."[/color]He was only half joking. He didn't think he and Joseph should be the only ones bringing alcohol. Death didn't have a problem with their drinking as long as things didn't get out of hand. He wanted to spread the blame as much as possible if things did get out of hand. [hr] [@Thantos] Zack didn't really want to go to the party. He wasn't a big partier. But he did need a way to relax and the party might be the best way to do that. He needed to let his guard down but he didn't know how to. No one, with the possibleexception of Death could promise him that they wouldnt die. He didn't know how to deal with getting close to someone, like his partner Clyde, and kmowing he could lose them.