[center][h2]Krunk Fortress, Lobby[/h2] [sub]Lord Krunk speaks![/sub] [h2][color=Darkgray]"YOU'LL KICK [i]MY[/i] ASS, EHHH!?"[/color][/h2][/center] Lord Krunk's hoarse, raspy voice resounded through the room, coming from one of the high-up darkened corners from what appeared to be a very small speaker of some sort. It looks like this crummy old castle was actually quite-well equipped with modern technology! What a bothersome sound. [color=darkgray]"How dare you trespass in my fortress!!!"[color] As Krunk spoke, Jenso poked his head into one of the west-most doors, finding himself peering into none-other than the kitchen itself! It was lined with what appeared to be krunklets... Except they had no spikes, no markings on their armor to signify that they were soldiers, and they all seemed terrified when they turned to him. [color=darkgray]"I'll make an example out of you pesky little pests myself! [sub]Spike, could you rally the other two generals[/sub] Come face me head on, of you dare, you blithering idiots! [sub]Could you also tell Lala that my coffee is getting cold, I need a refill[/sub] Venture forth, if you dare! Bwah-Hah-Hah-Hah!!!"[/color] With an electronic buzz, the speakers fell silent.