Dyson awoke to sunlight streaming on his face. He was perplexed and confused as he rose from the bed, but he felt something from the previous nights dream. There was no doubt in his mind that he was to be a hero and he felt so strongly about it. He dressed and grabbed all his belongings, which wasn't very much, as he had very little. Strapping his sword at his side, he walked the short distance to the Village Elder's house. Dyson needed to tell the village elder he was leaving, after all the village elder was like a father to him and brought him up mas his own when he had no where to go and wandered into the village. Arriving at the elder's house found him mulling over some books and Dyson sat down beside him. The elder looked at Dyson and spoke. " I know why you are hear my son. You had a dream last night. I felt it as well. So I knew you'd come to say goodbye. You must go. Be a hero, my son." Dyson was shocked at how understanding the elder was. "I know, I feel this is something I was destined to do. I have to be a hero for this world. I'll come back a hero, you'll see." They talked a bit more and Dyson asked some questions about the element of earth and the temple. He got a bunch of answers, some didn't make sense to him. When they finished talking, Dyson made his way towards the village gate, looking back on his home, a bit sad to be leaving, but all the more excited to be the hero that the world needed.