[center][h2]Krunk Fortress, Lobby[/h2] [sub]THERE HE IS![/sub][/center] Jenso had not noticed Alexander's death due to everything that was going on. He turned towards the voice that spoke, looking up at the darkened corner of the room where the speaker was. [color=f26522]"AHA! THERE YOU ARE!!"[/color] Jenso roared, launching a fireball at the speaker from his left hand. As the speaker exploded into pieces, Jenso blinked. [color=f26522]"...Oh."[/color] He blurted out, and headed into the kitchen. [color=f26522]"Don't worry guys! We won't hurt you, as long as you don't try to...yknow. Kill us."[/color] He said to the krunklets. [color=f26522]"Can you tell us how we can raise the bars at the main archway?"[/color] He asked in a calm tone. Despite that they didn't appear like soldiers, he was still cautious despite trying not to appear too hostile.