[@Cuccoruler][@Azaria Blue][@Noxx][@Kusanagifire] Nya gulped and swallowed. Things definitely had gone very south. Her attempt at sniping the oni had been unsuccessful, and now in her zeal, she had drawn something orders of magnitudes worse than she initially thought. The oni demon had retreated, but she had drawn a demon lord and some sort of snakelike demon to the group of magical girls. It could well be the end of this group. She had to do something. At leas that demon lord was polite, and was only interested in her. She eyed her companions, some of which had chosen to stand by and fight. Also why the hell were so many cats around? Nonono. She needed to focus on the task at hand. Responsabilities had to be taken. "It's okay... you all should leave. Fight another day." Nya whispered. Her first outing and she was knee deep in a life-or-death situation. And her actions would be the key to solve it. "I'm Nya Pawns." She added, answered to the demon lord. "Nice to make you acquaintance, your grace...is that the proper title? My demon etiquette is nonexistant." [i]Everything be damned, I have to help everyone. I have to toss that dreaded coin so soon.[/i] Her eyes went to her feet for a couple of seconds, before clasping the Demon Lord's hand. "A demon huh...no, I never thought of it... because..." She fidgetted once more. "Well, nevermind...it's quicker if your grace...actually...finds...out." Nya gulped, as she directed Lina's hand towards her forehead."Although, your grace might not...like the result." [i]Not one bit. All glory to the Black Pharaoh, the Crawling Chaos.[/i]