Nestled within the Varangian Mountain Range stood the grim and foreboding Veskai Castle. A massive stronghold surounded by high walls with giant mystical crossbows used in ancient times to fight off dragon attacks. It was from this castle that Meridiana would reign over her lands after her parents died. Until then, she had time to kill. Or to become better at killing. Or to train others to kill for her. Or to torture or interrogate prisoners in the dungeon. The point was that she had time. And she had options. She came to her younger sisters room and entered without knocking. The girl was furiously scrawling. With an angelfeather quill upon the finest parchment. Andratha was ever the artist, musician and poet. Meridiana never had such talents of her own. Her art was destructive, not creative like her sibling. "It's only a matter of time, you know?" Meridiana spoke to her sister, but the younger half-demon only continue to write. "Before we are ordered to conquer the Yang Realm." "Perhaps the order will never come, dear Lily. And without that order you risk being branded a criminal by the Royal Family." Andratha spoke with a frail voice full of sorrow and deep wisdom. "Well!" The Arch Duchess grew agitated by her sister's comment. "Perhaps I should make the need for war known in the Capital..."