"No, they were all quite nice, really!" Ein responded happily. It was almost as if she had no idea what kind of situation she was really in, that the naivety of her apparent youth had robbed her of the ability to see that she was likely in danger. "As to who made Zeke? Well if you must know, it was no bearded Dwarf, no sir, it was my very own Father, and me! He taught me how and together we made Zeke, my guardian! Its true, you know, what you said about Obsidian being immune to most magic, but some magic is older then stone, and some magic is older then earth, and some magic, is older then time." She paused for dramatic effect. "But that isn't what happened in this case. I mean I guess the magic is pretty old, but it isn't as old as all of that. You see, I don't control the Obsidian, I control the spirit that took up residence within the lava that constantly feeds the obsidian armor any time it does happen to crack. Pretty neat, huh?"