[center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/ac030dc32fa3773955f53566d803b6e3/tumblr_mkktokTCFa1qe0zvuo3_500.png[/img] [h1]Mia Andrada[/h1][/center] [hider=Interview] "Well let’s begin with the basics" 1: What is your full name? ~[color=LavenderBlush]Mia Andrada. [/color] 2: Do you have a nickname, pseudonym, or alternate identity? ~[color=LavenderBlush] I'm just Mia, or Mouse- Only my Dad calls me Mouse.[/color] 3: How tall are you? ~[color=LavenderBlush]I'm 5'7 or 170cm [/color] 4: How much do you weigh? ~[color=LavenderBlush]115lbs[/color] 5: What kind of build do you have (are you thin, fat, gangly, muscular, etc.)? ~[color=LavenderBlush] I dance, so I'm guess I'm musclar. My arms are weirdly long and my legs go on forever. But I'm still thin, dainty. [/color] 6: Describe your hair. What colour is it? What style do you keep it in? ~[color=LavenderBlush]It's dark brown, perfectly natural. I can't dye it. It messes up my skin. It's always either in a bun, or loose, very loose curls or straight. I don't do much with my hair unless I have to. [/color] 7: What colour are your eyes? ~[color=LavenderBlush]A dark brown, like coffee.[/color] 8: What is your ethnicity? ~[color=LavenderBlush]I'm half Filipino. My mum was, my Dad is from Florida.[/color] 9: Do you have any unusual physical features? ~[color=LavenderBlush] Just oddly long limbs.[/color] 10: Are you considered to be attractive? ~[color=LavenderBlush] Maybe, above average. I have no idea. [/color] 11: What does your voice sound like? ~[color=LavenderBlush] My voice is usually quiet. I don't shout too much. Not unless I'm happy. I used to whisper a lot in school. Hence Mouse. [/color] 12: What kind of accent do you have? ~[color=LavenderBlush] I grew up in Tallahassee but I wish I didn't have this accent. It sticks out like a sore thumb. [/color] 13: Do you have a favorite quote or commonly used saying? ~[color=LavenderBlush]Life without dance would be Pointeless. Its super cheesy[/color] 14: Is there any particular facial expression that you are known to wear often (dour glare, cheeky grin, etc.)? ~[color=LavenderBlush]I'm often usually tired. I work hard, incredibly hard so I'm often either yawning or smiling or glaring. Usually depends on exactly what I'm doing. My concentration scrunch is probably my most common. [/color] 15: Are you known for having any particular mannerisms (gestures, habits, or ways of doing things)? ~[color=LavenderBlush] I'm really fussy, I don't like mess and I hate dirt. So I avoid it and hate the thought of it. I clean often. [/color] 16: Do you have any allergies, diseases, debilitating injuries, or other physical weaknesses? ~[color=LavenderBlush]Not really, and I'm thankful. Something like weak ankles or a physical disability would just ruin everything.[/color] 17: Do you have any scars, tattoos or birthmarks? ~[color=LavenderBlush] No, I have a few freckles, but I wish I didn't.[/color] 18: How good is your personal hygiene? ~[color=LavenderBlush]I have a strict routine, I can't break that. It's impossible.[/color] 19: Do you wear perfume or cologne? ~[color=LavenderBlush]Channel No.5[/color] 20: What is your preferred style of dress? ~[color=LavenderBlush]I like floaty dresses mostly, like summer styles. Or thick jumpers and jeans, I enjoy being all wrapped up and warm.[/color] 21: Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? If so, are you nearsighted or farsighted? ~[color=LavenderBlush]I have glasses but I wear contacts almost constantly. I'm farsighted.[/color] 22: Do you wear jewelry or other accessories? ~[color=LavenderBlush]I have two small studs in my ears, the tiniest ones you buy.[/color] 23: Are you left or right-handed? ~[color=LavenderBlush]Right handed, but I dance with my left.[/color] [center][img]http://www.quotemaster.org/images/62/624fe51595be2f1a0679a8184e9cb1c3.gif[/img][/center] VITAL STATISTICS: 24: How old are you exactly? 25: When is your birthday? 26: Where were you born? 27: Where do you live now? 28: What is your nationality? 29: What is your occupation? 30: Do you belong to any exclusive groups (guilds, clubs, teams, religious sects, etc.)? 31: Do you hold any rank or special position within your occupation or group (team captain, chairman, chief engineer, head nurse, treasurer, etc.)? 32: What social class do you belong to? 33: Do you hold any noble titles or estates? 34: Do you have a criminal record? FAMILY: 35: Who are/were your parents? Tell me about them. 36: Do you have any siblings? If so, tell me about them. 37: Who are/were your grandparents? 38: Do you have any aunts, uncles, or cousins? 39: Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? If so, tell me how their legacy affects you. 40: How close are you to your family in general? PERSONALITY: 41: Are you basically an optimist, a realist, or a pessimist? 42: Are you spontaneous or do you always need to have a plan? 43: Do you like to take risks or do you prefer to play it safe? 44: Are you generally laid back or are you inclined to worry? 45: Do you like to make jokes or do you prefer to keep things serious? 46: How well do you work under pressure/to a deadline? 47: Do you prefer to work with your head or your hands? 48: Would you call yourself a perfectionist? 49: What makes you happy, and why? 50: What makes you sad, and why? 51: What makes you angry, and why? 52: What gets you excited, and why? 53: What makes you stressed, and why? 54: What makes you frustrated, and why? 55: Are you short tempered? How well do you keep your cool? 56: How easily do you get depressed or discouraged? 57: When was the last time you cried? 58: Do you have any fears or phobias? What is your greatest fear? 59: What gives you a feeling of satisfaction or fulfilment? 60: Do you adhere to a code of conduct which guides or restricts your actions? 61: Do you make promises or oaths? If so, do you keep them? 62: Do people consider you to be trustworthy? 63: Do you have any secrets? If so, does anybody know about them, and how did they find out? 64: List three of your quirks or other defining characteristics. 65: Do you have any bad habits? If so, have you tried to kick them? 66: Do you have any good habits? 67: Do you have any vices? 68: Describe what would be a typical day/week for you? ABILITIES AND TRAITS: 69: Do you have any special skills or abilities? If so, how did you acquire them? 70: Do you have any serious difficulties with certain skills or abilities? 71: Are you particularly athletic? 72: Do you participate in any kind of sports? 73: Can you ride an animal, or drive a vehicle of some kind? 74: Are you proficient in any martial or combative skills (martial arts, fencing, gun fighting, etc.)? 75: Are you gifted when it comes to intellectual pursuits? 76: Do you speak more than one language? 77: Do you have a good memory, or do you tend to forget things? 78: How long is your attention span? 79: How good is your sense of direction? Do you get lost easily? 80: Are you particularly artistic? 81: Do you have any talent for music? 82: Can you dance? 83: Do you have any acting talent? 84: Can you cook? 85: Do you have any knowledge of medicine? 86: Are you any good with machines or electronics? RELATIONSHIPS: 87: Who is the most important person in your life and why? 88: Do you have a significant other? If so, tell me about them. 89: What do you look for in a potential romantic partner? 90: Who is the person you respect the most and why? 91: Do you have a mentor or person to look up to? If so, tell me how they influenced you. 92: Who is the person you despise the most and why? 93: Do you have any rivals? If so, describe the nature of your rivalry. 94: Do you have any enemies? If so, tell me about them and why they are your enemy. 95: Do you tend to argue with people, or do you try to avoid conflict? 96: How quickly do you judge others? 97: How long do you usually have to know somebody before you are willing to trust them? 98: Do you hold grudges? 99: Do you have a lot of friends? 100: Who is your best friend? 101: Do you find it easy to make friends? 102: How well do you get along with strangers? 103: In social situations, do you tend to take the lead, or go with the flow? 104: Do you like interacting with large groups of people, or do you prefer small groups? 105: Do you like spending time alone? 106: If you had to be stuck on a deserted island, who is the one person you would want to have with you, and why? 107: Who is the last person you would want to be stuck on a deserted island with? 108: Are you a listener or a talker? 109: Do you like to pull practical jokes, play pranks, or tease others? 110: Do you like children? 111: Do you like animals? 112: Do you have any pets or animal companions? 113: How do you relate to members of a different race? 114: How do you relate to members of the same gender as yours? 115: How about members of the opposite gender? 116: How do you relate to people from a different social class? 117: How do you get along with people in general? 118: Are you inclined to act differently among certain people or groups? HISTORY AND INFLUENCES: 119: How would you describe your childhood in general? 120: What is your earliest memory? 121: Did you go to school? If so, tell me about your school life. Did you enjoy it? 122: How many friends did you have when you were young? Are you still friends with any of them? 123: Who was your best friend when you were young? Are they still your friend? 124: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? 125: Have you ever travelled outside of your home country? If so, to where? 126: Tell us about your first date. 127: When, and with whom, was your first kiss? 128: Have you had many romantic interests in your life? 129: Have you ever been pursued by a romantic admirer? 130: Have you ever pursued someone romantically, yourself? 131: Have you ever been in love? If so, tell me what happened. 132: Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? 133: Have you ever lost anyone special to you? If so, how did your loss affect you? 134: What do you consider to be the most important event of your life so far? 135: What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? 136: What is your greatest regret? 137: Tell us about the best day of your life. 138: Now tell us about the worst day of your life. 139: What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing to ever happen to you? 140: Have you ever been in a life-or-death situation? 141: Have you ever killed someone? 142: Tell us about the most frightening experience of your life? 143: What is the most evil thing you have ever done? BELIEFS: 144: Do you think people are basically good or evil at heart? 145: In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any person could do? 146: Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why? 147: Do you believe in an afterlife? 148: Do you believe in miracles? 149: Do you believe in angels, demons, or other such supernatural beings? 150: Do you believe in ghosts? 151: What is your general view of religion? 152: Are you superstitious? 153: What are your views on gambling? 154: Do you believe in luck? 155: How much do you value money? 156: What are your views on politics? 157: Do you support any causes or charities? 158: What are your views on lying? 159: What are your views on theft? 160: What are your views on killing? 161: What are your views on crime and punishment? 162: What are your views on sex? 163: Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? 164: Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good? 165: Are you patriotic? 166: Are you inclined to voice your opinions and beliefs? 167: How far will you go to defend your beliefs? 168: How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others? 169: Do you consider certain groups, or types of people, to be inferior to you or beneath you? 170: How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings? PERSONAL TASTES AND OPINIONS: 171: What is your favorite pastime? 172: Do you have any hobbies? 173: Do you collect things? 174: What is your favorite colour? 175: What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food? 176: What is your favorite drink? Do you have a least favorite drink? 177: What kind of music do you like? 178: Do you have a favorite song? 179: Is there a particular type of music that you can't stand? 180: Do you like to read? If so, what kind of books do you prefer? 181: Do you have an interest in art (paintings, sculpture, etc.)? 182: What kind of mass entertainment do you prefer (theatre, sports, live music, etc.)? 183: Do you like to get dressed up, or do you prefer casual wear? 184: Which is your favorite season and why? 185: What is your favorite topic of conversation? 186: Is there anything that truly bores you to tears? 187: What is your most treasured possession? 188: If you could have one thing, anything in the world, what would it be (any physical thing)? 189: Do you like living where you are now? 190: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live? 191: How do you prefer to travel? 192: Do you drink alcohol? 193: Do you smoke? 194: Do you use drugs? 195: Do you solicit prostitutes? 196: How do you spend a typical Saturday night? 197: How do you spend a rainy day? 198: How do you deal with stress? Is there anything you do to help you relax (play music, take a hot bath, drink, etc.)? 199: Do you laugh a lot? What do you find funny? 200: Is there anything in particular that shocks or offends you? 201: What are your pet peeves? SEFL IMAGE: 202: What is your greatest strength as a person? 203: What is your greatest weakness as a person? 204: Do you generally think with your head or your heart? 205: Are you generally introverted or extroverted? 206: What kind of personal qualities do you most respect in others? 207: Do you have those qualities? 208: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 209: Do you consider yourself to be attractive? 210: Do you like yourself? 211: Do you consider yourself to be a good person? 212: What do other people say is your best quality? 213: What do other people say is your worst quality? 214: How would you say people view you as a person, generally? 215: Do you care what others think of you? 216: What three words would you choose to best describe your personality? 217: What three words would others probably use to describe you? KEY SOCIAL INFLUENCE: 218: Choose a person you know well. It could be a family member, friend, romance partner, mentor, rival, enemy, or anything else as long as they have had a major impact on your life. I am going to ask you several questions about them. 219: Who are they to you (friend, mentor, enemy, etc.)? 220: Who are they in general (their occupation, social status, place in the world, etc.)? 221: Tell us what he or she looks like. 222: Give us a general impression of their personality. 223: What are this person's goals? Do these goals coincide or conflict with yours? 224: What is your general opinion of this person? 225: How did you meet this person, or, if you've known them your whole life, what is your earliest memory of them? 226: How did your relationship develop into what it has become (how did you become friends, partners, enemies, etc.)? 227: Have you always had this kind of relationship with them, or was it different at some point? If so, how did your relationship change? 228: How often do you see this person? 229: Given the choice, would you like to see them more, or less? 230: Tell us something good about this person. 231: Now tell us something bad about them. 232: Have you ever been in direct conflict with this person (in a fight, competition, popularity contest, etc.)? 233: Have you ever worked together with them to achieve a common goal? 234: Tell us something you have learned from them? 235: How would you feel if this person were to succeed in life, especially at something you wish to succeed in, yourself? 236: How would you feel if they were to die? 237: What would you do if they were to walk into the room right now? GOALS AND DREAMS: 238: Do you ever want to get married? 239: Do you want children? 240: Do you have a lifelong dream? 241: What goal do you most want to achieve within the next year? 242: Where do you see yourself in five years? 243: Where do you see yourself in ten years? 244: Where do you see yourself in twenty years? 245: What is your most cherished fantasy? 246: If you had the opportunity to do anything with your life, and you had absolute assurance that you would succeed, what would you do? 247: If you could choose, how would you want to die? 248: What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for after your death? 249: If you had the chance to live part of your life over again, what is the one thing you would choose to do differently? 250: Why have you decided to live your life the way you do? [/hider]