[center][img]https://secure.static.tumblr.com/03b66506b1b3de8b7d1d152341672196/jus9p8e/iBMo6okup/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_f08fb2583a8g40ww4k0c0skc8_640.jpg[/img] [h1] Choi "Rebecca" JuHyun[/h1] 최서주 [/center] [hider= Interview] "Thank you for coming. My name is Adam and I will be conducting this interview with you today." [color=FF69B4]It's no problem at all, thank you for having me.[/color] "When I’m asking the questions, don’t think too hard on your answer, just say the first thing that comes to mind. There are no right or wrong answers." "Well let’s begin with the basics" What is your full name? [color=FF69B4] That depends, in Korean it's Choi JuHyun. In English its Rebecca Choi.[/color] 2: Do you have a nickname, pseudonym, or alternate identity? [color=FF69B4]My friends call me Becky mostly.[/color] 3: How tall are you? [color=FF69B4]I'm so short- 1.64 m or 5'3. I'm so short, even four inch heels can't help me.[/color] 4: How much do you weigh? [color=FF69B4]That's a little prude but 48KG[/color] 5: What kind of build do you have (are you thin, fat, gangly, muscular, etc.)? [color=FF69B4]I'd say thin is best. I don't really have any muscle showing but I have friends with crazy abs.[/color] 6: Describe your hair. What colour is it? What style do you keep it in? [color=FF69B4]It's black, currently. I tend to switch between this and light brown. I also have a thing about bangs. I love them but at the same time I hate them. I get them and immediately grow them out, then I miss them again.[/color] 7: What colour are your eyes? [color=FF69B4]They're brown. You should know that.[/color] 8: What is your ethnicity? [color=FF69B4]Korean-Canadian, my Mum's Korean-Canadian but my Dad is completely Korean, I guess that makes me Korean-Korean-Canadian. I don't know but it must make sense to someone.[/color] 9: Do you have any unusual physical features? [color=FF69B4]Not really. I have a weird birthmark on my stomach, just below my hip bones. It's just a little brown mark, nothing obvious.[/color] 10: Are you considered to be attractive? [color=FF69B4]I wouldn't say I wasn't. That makes me sound rude, I'm sorry. I guess I kind of I am. I'm definitely not ugly.[/color] 11: What does your voice sound like? [color=FF69B4]Typical Toronto unless I'm in Korea then I just sound like a tourist. My Korean voice is terrible, you have no idea.[/color] 14: Is there any particular facial expression that you are known to wear often (dour glare, cheeky grin, etc.)? [color=FF69B4]It's definitely a grin. I have what's known as an eye-smile. Makes me look super Asian.[/color] 15: Are you known for having any particular mannerisms (gestures, habits, or ways of doing things)? [color=FF69B4]I've been told I'm over excitable, I suppose that comes across often.[/color] 16: Do you have any allergies, diseases, debilitating injuries, or other physical weaknesses? [color=FF69B4]No, and I'm really grateful. I don't even get hayfever.[/color] 20: What is your preferred style of dress? [color=FF69B4]See, this is hard question. I really enjoy following Korean fashion but its so hard to in the West. I save up and go shopping in Korea-Town. I enjoy dresses and shorts or shirts and skinny jeans.[/color] 21: Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? If so, are you nearsighted or farsighted? [color=FF69B4]I have contacts, I'm nearsighted.[/color] 22: Do you wear jewelry or other accessories? [color=FF69B4]It's my second obsession to shoes. Oh my god. I love rings more than anything. If I could get away with wearing one on each finger, I so would.[/color] 23: Are you left or right-handed? [color=FF69B4]Right![/color] [center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/7c02ebb0dda070f043d445b0e74db63a/tumblr_nmkp7p7P6h1qisyqwo1_250.gif[/img][/center] VITAL STATISTICS: 24: How old are you exactly? [color=FF69B4]Exactly? Oh wow. I'm 24, seven months, ninteen days and four hours. No I'm kidding, I'm 24.[/color] 25: When is your birthday? [color=FF69B4]It's the 14th of May.[/color] 26: Where were you born? [color=FF69B4]I was actually born in Seoul National University Hospital but we moved to Canada when I was two.[/color] 27: Where do you live now? [color=FF69B4]Good old Toronto![/color] 29: What is your occupation? [color=FF69B4]I'm a journalist for a fashion and art magazine and I model from time to time, nothing major. I keep a fashion blog too.[/color] 30: Do you belong to any exclusive groups (guilds, clubs, teams, religious sects, etc.)? [color=FF69B4]I'm actually part of a book club. It's super cute, I'm the youngest there. Old people are great.[/color] 31: Do you hold any rank or special position within your occupation or group (team captain, chairman, chief engineer, head nurse, treasurer, etc.)? [color=FF69B4]Not really no, just a writer.[/color] 32: What social class do you belong to? [color=FF69B4]High-working, I think.[/color] 34: Do you have a criminal record? [color=FF69B4]Not a single one, I'm so good.[/color] [center][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Nw8S1vD3pck/UBELaqaGa0I/AAAAAAAAFbY/qrdMCgM7LZI/s1600/Tiffany+Hwang+Cute+Red+Hair+GIF+(6).gif[/img][/center] FAMILY: 35: Who are/were your parents? Tell me about them. [color=FF69B4]My dad is a pediatrician and my mum is a nurse. They met at work whilst studying in University. It's so cute. It's like my favorite love story. They bumped into each other and my dad wouldn't stop apologizing for months and months. So my mum made him lunch one day to thank him. Then she started bringing him lunch more and more often. They started eating lunch together and after a year of courting, my dad asked my mum to marry him. It's the best! [/color] 36: Do you have any siblings? If so, tell me about them. [color=FF69B4]I have a younger sister, SunKyu. She's seventeen this year.[/color] 37: Who are/were your grandparents? [color=FF69B4]I don't know my Mum's parents but my Dad's parents are so sweet. His mum runs a tiny tea shop on Jeju Island. I'm so jealous. My grandpa catches fish for fun and cooks them at the shop, he sells them there too. They're quite active considering their age.[/color] 38: Do you have any aunts, uncles, or cousins? [color=FF69B4]Yes I do, my dad's side of the family is huge! I have two aunts and an uncle and so many cousins. They all live in Korea but they visit from time to time, we do the same. Most of my cousins are younger than me but I have one or two that are older.[/color] 40: How close are you to your family in general? [color=FF69B4]Super close. I love hanging out with my parents and seeing family. I love Christmas because of that, and New Year too. We always fly to Korea to spend it there.[/color] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0wc9eFUXd1rq2czwo1_500.gif[/img][/center] PERSONALITY: 41: Are you basically an optimist, a realist, or a pessimist? [color=FF69B4]Optimist. Everytime! [/color] 42: Are you spontaneous or do you always need to have a plan? [color=FF69B4]People would describe me as both. I love a good plan but spontaneity is the bomb[/color] 43: Do you like to take risks or do you prefer to play it safe? [color=FF69B4]I don't know. Risks don't always pay off. I won't take one unless I'm 100& sure.[/color] 44: Are you generally laid back or are you inclined to worry? [color=FF69B4]Laid back. I only worry when I'm behind schedule.[/color] 45: Do you like to make jokes or do you prefer to keep things serious? [color=FF69B4]I have a wicked sense of humor, it's weird for me to be serious.[/color] 46: How well do you work under pressure/to a deadline? [color=FF69B4]If I keep ontop of my schedule then yes, if not I'm a wreck.[/color] 47: Do you prefer to work with your head or your hands? [color=FF69B4]I write; so my hands.[/color] 48: Would you call yourself a perfectionist? [color=FF69B4]Everyone is to a point but I wouldn't say it was desperately part of who I am.[/color] 49: What makes you happy, and why? [color=FF69B4]I'm a pretty happy person but when I'm down it's usually a blue sky, or a cosy sweater, or just good music [/color] 50: What makes you sad, and why? [color=FF69B4]Oh gosh, probably rain and being dirty. Although sad movies and drama. [/color] 51: What makes you angry, and why? [color=FF69B4]Drama. Definitely drama. I don't live to be stressed and if something gets me stressed. Its' the worst thing ever. [/color] 52: What gets you excited, and why? [color=FF69B4]Christmas. I love Christmas. I put my decorations up in November. You can't stop me. I'm such a kid. [/color] 53: What makes you stressed, and why? [color=FF69B4]Aside from drama, it's probably being late. I hate being late. If the traffic is being a pain, I literally want to scream. [/color] 55: Are you short tempered? How well do you keep your cool? [color=FF69B4]Not really that short tempered, and I'm pretty good at keeping my cool. I just smile through it. [/color] 56: How easily do you get depressed or discouraged? [color=FF69B4]Probably a lot easier than people think. You just have to keep smiling and people think you're made of steel. Plus its good to smile. [/color] 57: When was the last time you cried? [color=FF69B4]Properly? A few months ago. It was the anniversary of my Nanna's death so I get sad. [/color] 58: Do you have any fears or phobias? What is your greatest fear? [color=FF69B4]I hate spiders and I really don't like octopus. I wouldn't say they were phobias though. My greatest fear is to lose my parents. I want them to go surrounded by family. I don't want them to go when I'm not there. [/color] 59: What gives you a feeling of satisfaction or fulfilment? [color=FF69B4]Seeing the finished product or seeing [i]all[/i] of my family at Christmas. It's a huge deal for us all to get together. The party is huge. [/color] 60: Do you adhere to a code of conduct which guides or restricts your actions? [color=FF69B4]I don't ever act out of anger. I try really hard not to. It's not far to react when you're angry. People don't deserve to see that side of you. [/color] 61: Do you make promises or oaths? If so, do you keep them? [color=FF69B4]I try to keep my promises. Sometimes its hard but if I remember, I will definitely keep them. [/color] 62: Do people consider you to be trustworthy? [color=FF69B4]Absolutely! I love secrets but I never share them [/color] 63: Do you have any secrets? If so, does anybody know about them, and how did they find out? [color=FF69B4]I have a few secrets and my best friends know but no one else. Nothing serious though. [/color] 64: List three of your quirks or other defining characteristics. [color=FF69B4]I smile in my sleep, apparently. I probably have a smile six pack. My smile is ripped. I also wrinkle my nose when I'm angry, its adorable but I'd rather a wrinkly nose than snap at someone. My third would be how outgoing I am. I try to make a new friend every day. [/color] 65: Do you have any bad habits? If so, have you tried to kick them? [color=FF69B4]I used to bite my nails but that's gross so I stopped. It took ages to do! [/color] 66: Do you have any good habits? [color=FF69B4]I can't even go out the house without flossing everyday. [/color] 67: Do you have any vices? [color=FF69B4]Cheesy pop. I love stuff like Katy Perry. [/color] 68: Describe what would be a typical day/week for you? [color=FF69B4]Working mostly. Usually a Thursday is karaoke night, which always ends super late. Friday is the busiest day for me, I have deadlines then and I hate having to week over the weekend. Saturday and Sunday, I usually do dance classes and just relax. [/color] [center][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3ck8946hA1qegc9mo1_500.gif[/img][/center] ABILITIES AND TRAITS: 69: Do you have any special skills or abilities? If so, how did you acquire them? 70: Do you have any serious difficulties with certain skills or abilities? 71: Are you particularly athletic? 72: Do you participate in any kind of sports? 73: Can you ride an animal, or drive a vehicle of some kind? 74: Are you proficient in any martial or combative skills (martial arts, fencing, gun fighting, etc.)? 75: Are you gifted when it comes to intellectual pursuits? 76: Do you speak more than one language? 77: Do you have a good memory, or do you tend to forget things? 78: How long is your attention span? 79: How good is your sense of direction? Do you get lost easily? 80: Are you particularly artistic? 81: Do you have any talent for music? 82: Can you dance? 83: Do you have any acting talent? 84: Can you cook? 85: Do you have any knowledge of medicine? 86: Are you any good with machines or electronics? RELATIONSHIPS: 87: Who is the most important person in your life and why? 88: Do you have a significant other? If so, tell me about them. 89: What do you look for in a potential romantic partner? 90: Who is the person you respect the most and why? 91: Do you have a mentor or person to look up to? If so, tell me how they influenced you. 92: Who is the person you despise the most and why? 93: Do you have any rivals? If so, describe the nature of your rivalry. 94: Do you have any enemies? If so, tell me about them and why they are your enemy. 95: Do you tend to argue with people, or do you try to avoid conflict? 96: How quickly do you judge others? 97: How long do you usually have to know somebody before you are willing to trust them? 98: Do you hold grudges? 99: Do you have a lot of friends? 100: Who is your best friend? 101: Do you find it easy to make friends? 102: How well do you get along with strangers? 103: In social situations, do you tend to take the lead, or go with the flow? 104: Do you like interacting with large groups of people, or do you prefer small groups? 105: Do you like spending time alone? 106: If you had to be stuck on a deserted island, who is the one person you would want to have with you, and why? 107: Who is the last person you would want to be stuck on a deserted island with? 108: Are you a listener or a talker? 109: Do you like to pull practical jokes, play pranks, or tease others? 110: Do you like children? 111: Do you like animals? 112: Do you have any pets or animal companions? 113: How do you relate to members of a different race? 114: How do you relate to members of the same gender as yours? 115: How about members of the opposite gender? 116: How do you relate to people from a different social class? 117: How do you get along with people in general? 118: Are you inclined to act differently among certain people or groups? HISTORY AND INFLUENCES: 119: How would you describe your childhood in general? 120: What is your earliest memory? 121: Did you go to school? If so, tell me about your school life. Did you enjoy it? 122: How many friends did you have when you were young? Are you still friends with any of them? 123: Who was your best friend when you were young? Are they still your friend? 124: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? 125: Have you ever travelled outside of your home country? If so, to where? 126: Tell us about your first date. 127: When, and with whom, was your first kiss? 128: Have you had many romantic interests in your life? 129: Have you ever been pursued by a romantic admirer? 130: Have you ever pursued someone romantically, yourself? 131: Have you ever been in love? If so, tell me what happened. 132: Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? 133: Have you ever lost anyone special to you? If so, how did your loss affect you? 134: What do you consider to be the most important event of your life so far? 135: What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? 136: What is your greatest regret? 137: Tell us about the best day of your life. 138: Now tell us about the worst day of your life. 139: What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing to ever happen to you? 140: Have you ever been in a life-or-death situation? 141: Have you ever killed someone? 142: Tell us about the most frightening experience of your life? 143: What is the most evil thing you have ever done? BELIEFS: 144: Do you think people are basically good or evil at heart? 145: In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any person could do? 146: Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why? 147: Do you believe in an afterlife? 148: Do you believe in miracles? 149: Do you believe in angels, demons, or other such supernatural beings? 150: Do you believe in ghosts? 151: What is your general view of religion? 152: Are you superstitious? 153: What are your views on gambling? 154: Do you believe in luck? 155: How much do you value money? 156: What are your views on politics? 157: Do you support any causes or charities? 158: What are your views on lying? 159: What are your views on theft? 160: What are your views on killing? 161: What are your views on crime and punishment? 162: What are your views on sex? 163: Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? 164: Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good? 165: Are you patriotic? 166: Are you inclined to voice your opinions and beliefs? 167: How far will you go to defend your beliefs? 168: How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others? 169: Do you consider certain groups, or types of people, to be inferior to you or beneath you? 170: How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings? PERSONAL TASTES AND OPINIONS: 171: What is your favorite pastime? 172: Do you have any hobbies? 173: Do you collect things? 174: What is your favorite colour? 175: What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food? 176: What is your favorite drink? Do you have a least favorite drink? 177: What kind of music do you like? 178: Do you have a favorite song? 179: Is there a particular type of music that you can't stand? 180: Do you like to read? If so, what kind of books do you prefer? 181: Do you have an interest in art (paintings, sculpture, etc.)? 182: What kind of mass entertainment do you prefer (theatre, sports, live music, etc.)? 183: Do you like to get dressed up, or do you prefer casual wear? 184: Which is your favorite season and why? 185: What is your favorite topic of conversation? 186: Is there anything that truly bores you to tears? 187: What is your most treasured possession? 188: If you could have one thing, anything in the world, what would it be (any physical thing)? 189: Do you like living where you are now? 190: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live? 191: How do you prefer to travel? 192: Do you drink alcohol? 193: Do you smoke? 194: Do you use drugs? 195: Do you solicit prostitutes? 196: How do you spend a typical Saturday night? 197: How do you spend a rainy day? 198: How do you deal with stress? Is there anything you do to help you relax (play music, take a hot bath, drink, etc.)? 199: Do you laugh a lot? What do you find funny? 200: Is there anything in particular that shocks or offends you? 201: What are your pet peeves? SEFL IMAGE: 202: What is your greatest strength as a person? 203: What is your greatest weakness as a person? 204: Do you generally think with your head or your heart? 205: Are you generally introverted or extroverted? 206: What kind of personal qualities do you most respect in others? 207: Do you have those qualities? 208: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 209: Do you consider yourself to be attractive? 210: Do you like yourself? 211: Do you consider yourself to be a good person? 212: What do other people say is your best quality? 213: What do other people say is your worst quality? 214: How would you say people view you as a person, generally? 215: Do you care what others think of you? 216: What three words would you choose to best describe your personality? 217: What three words would others probably use to describe you? KEY SOCIAL INFLUENCE: 218: Choose a person you know well. It could be a family member, friend, romance partner, mentor, rival, enemy, or anything else as long as they have had a major impact on your life. I am going to ask you several questions about them. 219: Who are they to you (friend, mentor, enemy, etc.)? 220: Who are they in general (their occupation, social status, place in the world, etc.)? 221: Tell us what he or she looks like. 222: Give us a general impression of their personality. 223: What are this person's goals? Do these goals coincide or conflict with yours? 224: What is your general opinion of this person? 225: How did you meet this person, or, if you've known them your whole life, what is your earliest memory of them? 226: How did your relationship develop into what it has become (how did you become friends, partners, enemies, etc.)? 227: Have you always had this kind of relationship with them, or was it different at some point? If so, how did your relationship change? 228: How often do you see this person? 229: Given the choice, would you like to see them more, or less? 230: Tell us something good about this person. 231: Now tell us something bad about them. 232: Have you ever been in direct conflict with this person (in a fight, competition, popularity contest, etc.)? 233: Have you ever worked together with them to achieve a common goal? 234: Tell us something you have learned from them? 235: How would you feel if this person were to succeed in life, especially at something you wish to succeed in, yourself? 236: How would you feel if they were to die? 237: What would you do if they were to walk into the room right now? GOALS AND DREAMS: 238: Do you ever want to get married? 239: Do you want children? 240: Do you have a lifelong dream? 241: What goal do you most want to achieve within the next year? 242: Where do you see yourself in five years? 243: Where do you see yourself in ten years? 244: Where do you see yourself in twenty years? 245: What is your most cherished fantasy? 246: If you had the opportunity to do anything with your life, and you had absolute assurance that you would succeed, what would you do? 247: If you could choose, how would you want to die? 248: What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for after your death? 249: If you had the chance to live part of your life over again, what is the one thing you would choose to do differently? 250: Why have you decided to live your life the way you do? [/hider]