A KBot managed to get a shot off close to the commander. The explosion of its rock blew most of her squad to pieces, sending the remaining flying into buildings. Kurai hit the wall hard, knocking the wind out of her. The KBot began to aim again at the commander. The Commander pulled her side arm from its holster and began to fire aimlessly towards it. A lucky shot managed to hit one of the rockets propulsion systems causing flames to fire into the bots 'face'. It began walking aimlessly, stuttering, stopping spinning around before the rocket exploded, destroying the machine. [i]so the bots had heat tracking systems to guide their rockets. who ever made them must know their stuff.[/i] she pushed herself up and grabbed her rifle off the floor surveying the scene of horror in front of her. There were limbs scattered from an explosion. various screams and cries out for help. blood everywhere. fires and rubble from buildings. Bodies of the dead lined the street, while others ran and fought over the top of them. there were BKS medics rushing the streets trying to tend to the wounded. These bots had taken the little piece of paradise that the Commander called home and destroyed it. The peace was shattered and so soon would the Kbots metallic shell. [color=ed1c24]"This is an open message to everyone in Guild City. As you've probably heard, Kbots roam the streets off General Interest, Free and have just broke through into casual. The BKS and the Guild Future Society are taking action against the threat but there's only so much we can do. I'm not gonna lie to any of you listening. The fight isn't looking good in General Interest. This City must stand together as one. Free, Casual, Advanced, Nation and even Arena citizens need to fight alongside each other or we will all perish. You must pick up arms. Able Bodied Men go and enlist with BKS in Off topic to get weaponry or Enlist with the Guild Future Society. Should any women choose to do the same so be it we need every Soldier we can. Those who aren't fighting should take the children and make their way to Airfields located in introductions and behind the BKS HQ. Those who cant get there should get to the Docks. You'll find BKS Soldiers evacuating Citizens from our Airfield, Should the GFC wish to do the same that's their option. Any Military organisations still operating in guild city should send a unit to help evacuate citizens and the rest should come to General Interest to help push them out and set up barricades and a base camp. This has been Commander Kurai Assassin. Signing Off"[/color]She said into her comm piece, pressing a button on the side off it to switch it to the Guild City Speaker Systems. Ever since she'd asked for the technicians at HQ to add that feature she'd been itching to try it out. [color=ed1c24]"Chrome wings return to HQ. Refuel and prepare to ferry Citizens out of the city."[/color] [color=8882be]"Copy that Commander. All wings return to baseplate. Repeat all Wings return to baseplate. Good luck Commander."[/color] it took a few minutes but from a high enough place in the city you could see the VTOLS all simultaneous return back to the base. it looked like a scene from Apocalypse Now. At least the Citizens could escape the Carnage.