There was a short pause after Ajax made his reply that made Ionathan smirk, the blunt and evasive response was made by criminals in interrogation and Ionathan knew that they would get very little information out of him through persuasion. Just when he thought that the situation was under control and that he could soon get back to his room and finish off his now cold chicken breast, a bell began to ring. As the bell got louder and louder Ionathan winced, Genevieve either really wanted to see her young maid, or she was using the bell as an alarm to warn others. "It appears that someone is trying to get our attention-that, or perhaps another quarry has entered the home." A nod from Ionathan showed his approval, despite his youth and inexperience Emil had shown he can keep a cool head making a solid judgment even as these odd events were happening around him. Ionathan followed Emil out of the room guessing that he was heading towards the room where the bell was tolling but stopped by some suits of armour, borrowed their weapons and gave one to Ionathan. Bowing his head in acceptance of the offering he held it firmly in his hand. Heavier than it should be but sharper than he expected, Ionathan wondered if Genevieve had the sword sharp so that she could animate the suits of armour into killing automatons. With the sword in his hand he made a figure of eight with his wrist, then raised the sword in salute. With a nod of satisfaction, Ionathan then turned his head. "Regina. Can you sense anything?" [@Belwicket] [@vietmyke] [@AdamantiumWolf] [@Zero Hex] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] [@IcePezz]