The market district was filled with all manner of people, smells, sights and sounds. Near the center of all the chaos a young woman had arrived with her horse and wagon and was about to start a show, she didn't really know another way to make more money for herself, she was a master blacksmith and every time she tried to work under a blacksmith, her work would be so much better than their own that they would send her away saying things like, "I can teach you nothing...maybe someone else will hire you..." Eventually she started to run low on money and she had no intention begging her dad for it. So she had to decide how she was going to make some money and as she was sleeping a few nights before, she had an idea. She was going to put on quite the show and perhaps sell some of her creations. Titania stood at a somewhat empty area in the massive crowd and then laid down her mat and set out quite a few items on a small folding table she had built less than twenty minutes ago. She sat out each Item carefully taking a moment to tune each one up a bit or sharpen some of the swords and weapons she was selling with the tips of her fingers quickly so no one noticed. After she was done setting up she reached into her big bag of stuff and pulled a little device that looked somewhat like a tiny bugel connected to some kind metal device. Titania turned the machine one and then spoke through it, the little machine making her voice much much louder echoing around the market, "[color=ed1c24][b]People of Brythine...Come one, come all for your chance to see a very strange girl doing amazing things with metal, See living creatures of steel and Iron, weapons of greater quality for cheaper and amazing items that will change your life. If you like what you see you can purchase some of these amazing items. The show starts in five minutes.[/b][/color]" Titania turned off the machine after that and as people began approaching she started explaining all the different items and what they could do. Most people weren't to interested in buying her machines but she kept right on smiling brightly and selling tools and some weapons, all money was good money.