[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/kitty_zpsa7zkqre8.jpg[/img][/center] As the fire began to spread across the first floor of the house, Shadowcat cursed the mob outside, many of whom erupted into a cheer as the house began to burn. Mob mentality was the worst, and time and time again that was proven in human history. When a group of people are loud enough, they can sway even the most timid to join in with their lot. That leads to violence. That leads to people dying. She looked back at the mother and her mutant daughter, still huddled in the closet in fear. She reached out her hand yet again, pleading with them, “Please, I know you’re scared. But I need to get your out of here. I need to get you to Professor Xavier.” When Kitty says the Professor’s name, something in Jubilation’s eyes clicks. The younger teenage mutant realizes what the situation they’re in really means, and that they really do have a way out. She looks up at her mother, “Mom, come on. We need to go.” “But...the house..” the elder Lee said in a stupor. “Everything is burning.” She wasn’t wrong. Sweat dripped down Kitty’s face as the heat from the burning first floor seeped upstairs. The crackling of the fire was loud, which meant it was spreading fast. If anything, it meant this whole block would be up in flames sooner rather than later. That wasn’t good. “It’s gone, mom,” the teen pleaded. “We’re still here. And unless we get out of here soon, we won’t be.” She shook her mother and continued, “Mom, stuff can be replaced. The two of us can’t be.” The mother and daughter pair finally lock eyes, and the mother’s sense seem to return to her. Not wanting to waste any more time, Kitty grabbed the pair’s hands and pulled them up, “Awesome. Let’s go.” Kitty pulled the two women towards the wall that they shared with their neighbors, attempting to get them to break into a run. Instead, the younger mutant pulled back on the X-Man’s hand, “What the hell are you doing!?” “Oh, right,” she began to explain. “I can walk through stuff. It’s my power. And I can usually take people with me.” “Usually!?” Kitty cursed herself for saying that, “Well, yea, usually I’m not about to BE ON FIRE! Now move!” The two Lees look at one another and relent, which allows the three of them to make a running start towards the neighboring wall. They pass through unharmed, and Kitty lets out a sigh of relief. If she hadn’t been able to do that. “Come on,” she motioned towards the next house, and then the next. Neighbors were rushing out of their homes thanks to their block being on fire. As the escaping group passed through their homes, people gaped as Kitty dragged the Lees through wall after wall. Some children yelled in terror, some of the adults cursed them for bringing this upon them, but most just stared. They always stared. Before long, the group reaches the last house on the block, and they make their way downstairs and out the front door. There, waiting in the car, was Bobby and Hank, waiting to get them out of the city. “Come on!” Bobby motioned from the open door. “We gotta get out of here.” They hopped in, and Hank took off away from the burning block. Kitty let out a relieved sigh, “That was too close.” “Well, you got there at the right time,” Ms. Lee smiled at her. “If you hadn’t been there, we’d be dead.” “Yea, thanks,” Jubilation nodded meekly. “Well, that’s what we do at Xavier’s School,” McCoy added in from the front seat. “We help those that-” “LOOK OUT!” Bobby yelled as a tractor trailer blew a red light and came careening towards their car. Thinking quickly, Kitty grabbed everyone in the car and prayed she’d be able to make all of them intangible. The sounds of screeching, crumbling metal, shattering glass, and ripping asphalt filled her ears, and she figured it would be the last thing she ever heard. But when she opened her eyes, she found herself in the middle of an intersection with the others. The truck had plowed their car into the middle of the street, essentially cutting them off from any escape. Behind them, another truck had pulled up behind them, cutting the other way off. The trailers opened, revealing squads of Purifiers in both of them. “Well, well, well,” one of the armed terrorists chuckled. “Looks like we got ourselves a catch.” “Beast,” Kitty said to McCoy as she prepared for a fight, “might be time to call for some back up.” “Quite right, Ms. Pryde,” Beast confirmed before opening a channel to the mansion. “Professor. We seem to have run into some Purifiers. Some backup would be appreciated.” The Purifiers raised their weapons. Before they were able to fire, however, a tower of ice encased the group. Kitty turned to see Bobby, his entire body encased in ice, using all his strength to protect them. “I dunno how long this will last, but it’ll hold them for now,” he smiled at her. “Let’s hope we can get some help, then.”