[quote=@The Kid Lantern] So... if our brute is gone then I'll likely make him a casualty of Shayd to set the behemoth up as more of a threat. Still though, if nobody wants to take Shayd down I'll have him leap away or create a sandbox hero to deal with him that somebody else can do something with later on. Apologies to those still in the game. I know dropouts won't effect this game in nearly the same way as others, but it's still something we have to work around. I'd almost wanna just hit the reset button and start over to get rid of half the characters in the character tab no longer in the game... ~KL~ [/quote] Honestly a good portion of the remaining characters have yet to post. I'd be okay to resetting and trying a whole new interest check. I'd also like to take this as an opportunity to re-approach the stance on single characters. In a big empty universe like this, it might be a good ideas to at least entertain the idea of characters having two separate PCs instead of limiting us to one. At least with two characters I could send a Hero character after Shayd while still playing Mayhew as the Malicious Master of Mayhem. I realize we're allowed 'Sandbox' characters but it's not quite the same.