[center][h2]Damian Gerard|Frenzy Plant Seating to Frenzy Plant Camp[/h2][/center] [center][@Lugubrious][@hatakekuro][@Raijinslayer][@Lunarlors34][@Oblivion666][@liferusher][@Caits][/center] Damian listened as Sanders spoke, nodding slightly to indicate he was listening. [color=8F9779]”That is true. Hyun's defeat meant a lot to her and to us, and the challenge issued after it stank of gloating, mockery, and impunity. It was ill-advised, but making errors in the heat of the moment is only human. Jamie's tirade of derision came in a moment of clear-headedness, making it sting all the more. That will be forgiven far less easily, but even for you, making amends is not the work of a few words. By now you've heard a Frenzy Plant saying: talk is cheap. Bonds start with deeds. If you want...?”[/color] However, before the man could finish his question, a voice sounded next to Damian and he jumped a little when a young woman appeared next to him. She was young and slender, and definitely agile, if the speed she made it through the crowds around them was any indication, but he himself wasn't entirely sure who he was looking at so he stepped aside so she could address her guild master. [color=E1A95F]”Sir. The rumor is true. I got in and out unscathed, but I've never been more frightened. If you want to stop it before it's too late, I say we...uh, suggest we move immediately.”[/color] Damian looked at the Frenzy Plant Guild Master, watching him think and doing so himself, when Guild Master Sanders spoke. [color=8F9779]”That is bad news. You're right in your suggestion, Lieutenant. We'll leave the competitors behind but everyone else must go. I'll trust in your thunder to get us moving.”[/color] Damian turned to leave as the girl spoke again, calling for all the non-competitors to leave, knowing that it was wrong of him to force his way into involvement, when the Guild Master spoke directly to him. [color=8F9779]”This may be the opportunity you need to earn forgiveness. You may join us.”[/color] The Blade of Phoenix Wing took a moment to consider. There was still the last match, but it would seem that his guild was done competeing for the day. Besides that, he only needed to retrieve a couple of things from his camp in that park, and he could meet the members of Frenzy Plant at the city gate after finding out what he needs along the way. [color=FireBrick]"Then join you I will."[/color] He followed the members of the guild to the Colosseum entrance and out, keeping pace and listening to the girl from before, who's name was Eliza as he now knew, speak. [color=E1A95F]”There have been rumors for some time about a plague in a city way west of here called New Iguunale. They haven't held much water for a while, but recently, something new popped up! Apparently the worst cases escaped their containment in the city, beginning an infection and fleeing before a quarantine could be established!”[/color] She paused as she nearly tripped over a loose brick, causing Damian to chuckle quietly in memory of his own trips and falls. [color=E1A95F]”Agh! And these carriers weren't seen until recently, in a little town known for its medicine that's much closer, called Belka! Sanders asked me to go there, get in, and see if the claims were true! And they were! Things have gotten bad! There's no known cure, even from magic, and the infection has consumed Belka! It's making people crazy and violent, like animals! I...”[/color] She stopped herself, clearly hesitant, and decided to not go down that path, and left Damian's imagination to come up with things likely worse than what she'd actually seen. [color=E1A95F]”Anyway, if this plague spreads, everything could go to hell! We're going to Belka and getting rid of the plague one way or another!”[/color] As they moved, Damian tried to figure it all out in his head. Had the Royal Family known about this city and just entrusted the quarantines alone would hold these guys? He shook his head and broke off form the Frenzy Plant column to retrieve Durandal from where he'd left it at his camp and sent his cutlasses and gear back to his room in the hotel. Or at least the cutlasses, the lacrimas would serve to protect the rest until he could get back and get it all gathered back up properly. Picking up the Dragon Fang blade, he places it back on his back, sends a quick lacrima message to Master Jamie and Jarvis to let them know where he'll be and free run's to the park where Frenzy Plant was, just in time to hear a horned creature, an Oni if Damian hazarded a guess call out a question. [color=ed1c24]"Wait a minute, isn't this the business of Magic Knights? Why hasn't the kingdom done anything to prevent the outbreak? They simply can't just be expecting us to sweep it under the rug after dealing with this!"[/color] Damian spoke up first, walking into sight of the Frenzy Plant members from the trees as he answered. [color=FireBrick]"Because the Rune Knights are specialized to handle wizards, not the disease ridden. And, if I had to take a guess, the bulk of the Royal Army is still busy with maintaining the borders against invaders. So when an issue like this arises? All that's left is the guild wizards and anyone who will volunteer to handle it. As for sweeping it under the rug,"[/color] Damian shrugged, [color=FireBrick]"depends on whether or not the kingdom can come up with a REALLY good story as to why Belka's suddenly not a place to visit anymore. Odds are the truth will come out."[/color] [center][h2]Jane Addeson|Ice Cream Shop[/h2][/center] [center][@Caits][@Joshua Tamashii][@Roseletta][/center] Jane smirked and shook her head, producing jewel of her own. [color=DeepPink]"I appreciate the offer, Master Jamie, but I actually had originally come in to buy some. I won't ask you to pay for me."[/color] When the others had gone, she stepped up and got a cone of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. [color=DeepPink]"Thank you for letting me join. You guys were my last hope when Zentir told me he and his dark guild had killed my parents yesterday."[/color]