[quote=@The Kid Lantern] I think it was in the iCheck or maybe one of the convos in the titanpad, but I had considered a Primary Character and a Secondary Character for that reason. I'm completely down for that if it makes the universe building thing easier to work with. [/quote] I haven't been in the Titanpad since launch really so it might have been there since I haven't followed along. [quote=@The Kid Lantern] So yeah, rather than write up another post and work with what's already happened and writing a character out we'll just take a step back and ease into this a little differently. Might even make a different character since so many archetypes will be available again. Bummer though, was looking forward to using some werewolf gifs I'd found like this one... [/quote] Yeah definitely going to be making a hero for my second character. Might do a 'Superman' archetype or a 'Batman/Ironman' archetype.