[center][color=DodgerBlue][h3] Kilo Pestifer Leon[/h3][/color] [img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/4dbd/th/pre/f/2014/166/c/0/what_are_you_thinking_about__rott__by_kyoux-d7mc3xk.png[/img] Location: Front Lines of GIC (Mission #1) [/center] [hr][hr] Flying a helicopter into a warzone was no easy task, even if it was a stealth copter. Every explosion seemed to rock the aircraft despite the fact that the bots had not even begun firing at them. From thier altitude, they could see and identify the large BKS force that had taken on the KBots that were slowly pushing from FIC borders. A few blocks away, GFS squads were also taking on the KBot threat. [color=chocolate]" Preeminence, we have a visual on both BKS and GFS Forces!"[/color] the pilot said promptly through the headset. Kilo acknowledged the pilot but remained silent, simply gazing through the window of the helicopter down at the warzone below. His mind was racing. It seemed that the GFS numbers were dwindling, taking the brunt of the KBots vanguard. But a small reinforcement team had arrived (in a form of pink), but it still seemed that they would need assistance. The BKS numbers also seemed to be dwindling, also, but they could hold thier own. Kilo was deep in though, hundreds of scenarios played out in his mind, what move would decide this battle? Suddenly, an explosion rocked the helicopter, shaking those inside before settling down again. [color=chocolate]"Preeminence, we will be initiating evasive maneuvers! But we cannot stay here, sir."[/color] the pilot yelled frantically, as the aircraft jerked about in an attempt to dodge the missiles that a M-Variant KBot fired. More and more explosions rocked the aircraft, and the faces of the S.E.S Members inside were sheet white with fear, while Kilo remained unusually calm, still contemplating a move to make. [i]We need to reinforce GPS, but BKS also seems to be slowly weakening, unfortunately, we can't spread our forces to thin. The Northern Legion can be contacted to send reinforcements, but they need to ready themselves for a possible invasion also.[/i] Kilo thought to himself, formulating plan after plan in his head before one finally stuck. Kilo used the helicopters communication system to contact Beta Meek, his General back as GFS HQ. Within a few seconds, a holographic screen popped up with his face on it. [color=chocolate]"Preeminence."[/color] Beta Meek said simply, his eyes just as hard and calculating as they always were. [color=DodgerBlue]"Mobilize the Legion, lead them to these coordinates and assist in holding down the choke-point with GFS, this is a crucial point in this battle."[/color] Kilo said curtly, his lips set in a thin line. [color=chocolate]"Understood, Preeminence."[/color] Beta Meek said simply before ending the transmission. According to Kilo's calculation, it would take the legion, 20 to 30 minutes to get here. He gazed at the Squad of 5 in the aircraft with him in that moment. He had 5 powerful, trustworthy, capable, soldiers with him, not to mention his own power, which he hadn't bothered to use in offensively in a few days. [color=DodgerBlue]"You 5!"[/color] Kilo yelled with a voice of superiority. All 5 immediately sat at attention, all unable to stand due to the helicopters erratic movements. [color=DodgerBlue]"We will he dropping momentarily to assist the GFS squads. The Legion is on its way. We are small in number, but give any support you can."[/color] Kilo said quickly, gazing into the eyes of all those inside. Each one nodded, all ready to fight for thier beliefs. Kilo smiled, satisfied with thier answer before be loosened tie on his neck, unbuttoned the jacket he was wearing and threw it on the seat next to him. He then ripped on his dress shoes and socks enjoying the cool air that hit his toes. The individuals in the squad watched Kilo with looks of disapproval and confusion, but did not question him. Kilo opened the helicopter door, the force of the wind ripping the air from his lungs. Ignoring the unusual feeling, he walked towards the edge, gazing down at the fighting bellow. [color=chocolate]"Preeminence!"[/color] Epsilon Aleani yelled. But his scream feel on deaf ears as Kilo readjusted his mask before leaning over the side and falling. Skydiving is the adrenaline rush of a lifetime – a bucket list item reserved for those who were brave enough to take the chance. Kilo had never skydived before, but he felt complete calm at this moment. The helicopter had his body traveling at approximately 100mph. The transition to free fall is one that smoothly converts that forward speed from the airplane into a downward force because of gravity. It was an unusual feeling that Kilo welcomed. Freefalling at such high speeds generated a cushion of air for Kilo to ride on, allowing him to pit himself into the head-down body position. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through his body, and before Kilo knew what he was doing, electricity surrounded his body, pouring out of his pores. Turning Kilo into a torpedo of crackling electricity. Anyone that could see this would think that a lightening bolt was descending from the sky, at least at a rate of speed that they could track. Kilo aimed for a N-Variant KBot that had just rounded a street corner to engage GFS forces. Kilo quickly steeled his leg muscles, empowering them and his body to take the force of such a fall. He maneuvered his body within seconds of hitting the KBot, allowing his feet to take the brunt of his attack. Within the blink of an eye and explosion rocked that area. The KBot took a direct shot to the head, the sheer speed and force in which Kilo hit him with allowed him to drill through it, coming out the other side before it exploded in a massive fire ball. Kilo smiled crudely under his mask, enjoying his opportunity to fight, showing the true power of Nox humanity.