[@DeadlyEssence] [@Xikari chan] Yes, I am going to be honest. Gin is a dogmatic person and I have a bad history of not being able to make my character split from their dogma a little, in terms of religion and tone. I think you are right, perhaps though that can be a part of his personality though. His aggressive nature can make him overly reserved to whatever crap he believes. I might make him slip up a bit more from now and show his quirkiness. Deadly, yeah. Conflict is what I meant, I don't think anyone really made a bold enough statement in character points to really create it though. I sort of tried to do that with Gin when he went ranting a little but it seems writing play are a bit different for the hooks we use. Xikari seems to be an adventure player and I'm used to psychological, slow scenes. So I'm trying to drop subtle things that slow stuff down and Xikari- whom is being a good gm by the way via doing this- is keeping stuff moving constantly. So, it's a little of pacing shock on my end.