[@Kitty] "Hm?" Alexander looked at her curiously before smiling. "I see. It's true that he has no powers," he said as the bodyguard seem unfazed, as though this had been pointed out in the past. "Plus, your determination impresses me." he said, his smile widening a bit. This had the potential to simplify matters for him. "Well, if you can protect her, I'd be glad to have your help, miss Lapis." [hr] Saya finished organizing the pantry and was about to get to work cooking before the old woman said, [color=00a651]"You can take a break, dear. We can do the rest."[/color] Saya looked at her and nodded before leaving the kitchen. She wondered if it was because of the small fire from before as she walked through the hallways. She ended up going back to the garden and sitting down in the flower bed. She picked one of the blue flowers next to her and looked at it. She put it in her hair and laid down, looking up at the sky.