[@Kit DewStein] [i]"I knew it...I knew he'd want me to join and was a bit too excited and suuure....I figured he was not going to use his status...looks like we will be camping in the wild and streets like usual. I sure know how to pick them...[/i] Bala thought "That's ok, it's your call to make either way. I'm used to the camping and traveling, not having much..so it's not a big deal." trying to be as yielding as possible. He heard the seriousness in his voice about the status situation. [i]"even if we don't use his status...I have new muscle to keep more powerful people and Nobles off me. I know of nobles in these different towns...I did sleep with a noble's daughter once...and now she's fallen for male slaves...she's more than likely baring one's offspring now...so I'm sure I can find another to degrade...[/i]