"Just a glass of-- A glass of blood will be fine." Sanguine replied, not exactly feeling comfortable about asking for blood to drink. It would probably take quite a while to get used to that. Jeeves bowed and left to get his mistress' drink, leaving the two alone in the room for a bit. She sighed and leaned on the table in the few moments they had without servants in the room. "Putting up an act for all the npc's is tiring." She mused, looking up at Oliver for a moment. "I feel like something will go wrong if I just acted like myself. At least for now." As loyal as all the npc's seemed, it might change at any moment for all they knew, for whatever reason. And who knew what was out there. So many things were still so uncertain. "Well, enough of that. I'm sure we'll get more clarity once we get to that village." The woman straightened up again a few moments before the door opened. It was Jeeves again, this time carrying a glass of blood on a plate. After breakfast it was time to get ready to depart. So Sanguine started with the obvious. "Jeeves, prepare the carriage, and tell Daniƫlle we'll be leaving for the nearby village in half an hour." The butler bowed with a 'Right away my lady' before quickly leaving to make arrangement. The vampiress wanted to take at least one of the npc's with them, in case something happened that they couldn't easily handle on their own. It seemed unlikely, but they didn't have enough information on this world yet to be certain of anything. In the mean time she wanted to check out the village through the scrying mirror one more time to see if anything had changed. "I'll be in the portal room while you get ready as well." She spoke to Oliver. "It's probably a good idea to wear your armour, even if the village seemed peaceful. I'd rather be on the safe side for now."