I'll keep that in mind then. Kili replied mentally, in a joking tone. It was a small fact that he would have to be careful about what he thought--seeing as someone now could enter his mind and was within it. Well, he could trust Saeril, but it was still a slightly disturbing and awkward prospect. Not like he could do anything about it. Say. Why is this link not two-way? Or is it? He asked, as he got onto his horse, preparing for the road ahead. He was ready, and now that the dwarves had disputed with Gandalf and the skin changer of where to travel, it was time to move on. He would, as usual, follow Thorin's lead. Once again, they were off an an adventure! -- Once again, he was on an adventure. How about that. Tajjus knew it would be difficult to keep up with the dwarves now that they had ponies, a much quicker method of traveling than foot. Nonetheless, he had their scent, and he could follow them for about a week before it wore off. The smell was that potent for him. Until it was washed off, the elf and her friends would be smelling of some very pleasant mixtures of tree smells. It would be tricky to track, however, he had memorized the smell, and he knew that the orcs would memorize this smell as well. He had also planted some odors in their camp so he would know when they came, or would be able to keep up with them if need be. It was a plan. Tajjus looked at his prey thoughtfully. The elf was staring amused and compassionately at a particular dwarf, and she wasn't saying much. Something was amiss with her speechless ness, and how the dwarf also met her glances. Tajjus never said a word, but decided the elf and the dwarf had something he didn't know of going. He glanced to the skies, before he proceeded to follow.