[quote=@Ruby] "That's how I found you. I listened. Trained to filter the white noise and find what I want. The people of this city have accepted you as a fixture of Opal; I think that surprised me more than anything. Many see you as a talking chimp, a side show, sure enough--but to many more, dammit, you're THEIR talking chimp. Most the people that were cursing you...well, let's just say it was due to your sunny disposition, instead of the fact that you're a chimpanzee." Jean's eyes darted to the index cards, and back to the Detective; her tone as dry as the Scotch. "Quite charming. Really." It was a tease, highlighted by the way her eyes snuck another quick look at him after the "Really", the way the corner of her lips threatened another small smile in his direction. "But what I'm here for is too important to be dissuaded by anti-social behavior. So, now that you know what I do and why I'm here, more or less, maybe you want to tell me a little bit about your current mystery?...or you could be a jerk, share nothing, and just have me walk behind you and make sure you don't die until you can help me. I suppose it is up to you." Another sip, longer and harsher and thirsty, and the weighted bottom of the suddenly empty Scotch glass smacked against the top of the bar. "One more, please, sir." [/quote] DC grabbed his forehead as he dealt with the influx of thoughts, sounds, and ideas that seemed to run through his mind like rushing water. He was used to stimuli and taking in large amounts of data in a short time, but this was too much. Too noisey, too loud, too much too much... and just like that it was gone. DC felt a large patch of sweat on his forehead and looked at Jean Grey. "Get you drink to go," he said between breaths. "We need to get out of here." --- They were back in DC's office. He sat at his desk while Grey sat in a chair opposite the desk. On the desk in front of him were a stack of manila folders. Each folder had a red stripe across it diagonally with the Opal City PD's logo stamped in the center. They were murder books, each folder containing the police's criminal investigation into a homicide. "Six murders over the last two months have connections to each other," DC said with a wave to the files. "Homicide hasn't noticed it yet because they don't have enough time. This city averages a murder and a half a day and that's turned homicide investigation into assembly line work. Tag 'em, bag 'em, and if there's no serious or obvious suspect then move on. And these six do not have a serious or obvious suspect." He pulled one off the stack and opened it up. "Kenny Boyd was killed two nights ago by persons unknown shortly after being released on bail on a drug charge. Every single one of the guys who were killed were scumbags, pimps and dealers, who got killed shortly after posting bail. Their lawyers hired me to find out whose killing their clients because the cops sure as hell don't care."