[@Kit DewStein] [i]"Get what I need?...I have what I need strapped to my back...I just need to grab a bag of coins and I'm good to go."[/i] Bala nodded "Alright....see ya around..." giving a small salute and going back into the brothel, walking into his chambers where the three girls were still waiting for him but entertained themselves while he was away. The smell of wine and smoke from the peace pipe and hookahs filled the brothel and his chambers up as he grabbed the coins he made...well...stolen and traded to make. Strapping the coins on his side and a little extra down his pants just in case anyone tried stealing what he had, Bala pointed to the girls "Don't you say a damn word to Zaldana about me leaving. I don't want to hear her damn mouth. You whore can continue doing whatever...I'll be back soon...and don't use up all of my oil either!" he said looking around making sure his boss was nowhere in sight.