[hider=Harald] [b]Name:[/b] Harald [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Year[/b]: 1st [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Species[/b]: Splice (lion,bird) [b]Physical Description[/b]: [hider=Humanoid face][img]http://abload.de/img/harald_facewgfo3.jpg[/img] [color=#AAAAAA]Original source: https://wallpaperscraft.com[/color][/hider] [hider=Appearance (with non-humanoid face)][img]http://img06.deviantart.net/b40c/i/2012/277/a/c/the_legendary_beast_by_mercymurrain-d5gruhy.jpg[/img] [color=#AAAAAA]Source: mercymurrain @DeviantArt[/color][/hider] [b]In Depth Physical Description[/b]: His shoulder height is about four feet, his head-body length excluding the tail (ignore the thing attached to it) is somewhere between seven and eight feet. The human left in him still allows him to walk on two legs, but he prefers doing it with all four since it spreads his weight better and doesn't make him that tall. The crossing with a summer tanager granted him feathered wings. It'll require a lot of training and maintaining his very muscular and lean build for them to actually lift him off the ground - he can only glide at the moment. The flamboyant reddish skin colour also comes from the bird part in him. The scientists that fitted him with all this foreign DNA never truly found out where this huge, weird, antlers-like structure on his head comes from. Harald is one of the 'earlier models' that escaped, so its most likely that just something went terribly wrong. The horny substance his claws consist of started to grow at other places it shouldn't as well. [b]Personality[/b]: There is a big cat in him, so he likes to do what cats like to do: Slumping on the ground and enjoy the warmth coming from the sun in the partial shade for most of the day, preying on animals (including bigger ones), see if there's anything to tidy up on himself and roar. Asides from that, the human in him is curious, friendly and powerful enough to suppress those wild instincts if it is required for the most part. [b]Hobbies[/b]: Hunting, climbing, flying, nosing around, relax somewhere outside. [b]Familiar[/b]: none [b]Extra[/b]: -[/hider]