[center][h2][color=8882be]Kirin[/color] Casual interest check[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/88Gzx9h.png[/img][/center] Just about when the robot was about to hit her full on with its limb she felt something wrap around her waist. With full force she was taken away by the skeleton. It felt like a punch to the stomach but she could hold everything in. Hanging from a motor cycle wasn't a fun thing to do, especially when you are just hanging onto a weak skeleton arm. She could just about blurt out something over the wind. [center][color=8882be]"What are you doing! I had it you moron!"[/color][/center] The motor cycle slowed down and stopped by a nearby bridge were Kirin was put down again. She gave out a grunt and glared at the skeleton. She was rather pissed at what he was doing, she didn't need his help like this. Kirin balled up her fist and gritted her teeth. She even lost the weapon she had found along the way, what was she suppose to kill the bots with now. [center][color=8882be]"I said show what you got, not help each other."[/color][/center] After a few seconds she looked less mad and more pained by having the skeleton with her. Kirin gave out a tiring sigh. This was gonna be a long day if it kept going like this. Kirin glanced around the area to see if there would be some material lying around so she perhaps could craft something. She was quite handy with her hands if she said so herself. She quickly came to a halt and stared at something in the distance. She was quiet for the first few moments but she quickly had to say something again to the skeleton again just to make it clear it was his fault again for having brought them into even more trouble. [center][color=8882be]"Now look at what you have done now! How are we gonna take on multiple of these fucks now!"[/color][/center] Skeletor seemed to have an idea though, he asked Kirin if he needed some proper steel which sounded a lot more like a shady deal then a to be honest. Kirin watched the skeleton as he strugglingly pulled out a sword handle from his chest. When he couldn't move it away from his body and further she decided to help and janked out the sword from his chest. Or so she thought. He had gotten into the sword itself. He was the sword itself. It was a very light sword and had a paper thin blade. It looked nice as sword but she could only pull a face of disgust. It was a large sword, a very large sword. She didn't like large swords, she would much rather have a small katana like her own that was easy to handle. This thing would destroy unneeded stuff since its large range. Well she could at least slice with it so she had to get over with this fast or otherwise she might puke before the fight is finished. [center][color=8882be]"Don't you dare call yourself a sword. I wouldn't even know why anyone would like to use such a size."[/color][/center] Kirin held both hands on the sword and put her feet behind each other. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly. She concentrated on the two bots that were still behind them almost at the bridge now. She waited for them to come closer and take the starting advantage. Once one of the robots was close enough she tilted her sword just lightly but didn't seem to move. Her hair fluttered a little by how quickly the blade went. It was near impossible to see the blade even move yet it left a double cut right through the robot. She had sliced into it once and immediately turned it around but not completely and went back through it. The robot fell into 3 pieces of scrap but not only that. The area around it was pretty devastated too. She hit more than just the robot with this gigantic sword. Trees missed branches the road also had a few cuts into it and some of the cars around them were leaking all kind of liquids. Luckily she didn't hit the bridge too much. Kirin opened one of her eyes seeing the leftover robot struggling on the ground with its last breath. Kirin opened her other eye and headed towards the second with a serious expression clearly shown on her face. She swung the weapon towards her side getting off all the oil and stuff from inside the robot and accidently cut a tree in half with it. [center][color=8882be]"Jezus Christ, this thing is devastating."[/color][/center] As the robot drew closer she slashed the sword at it. It cut at the center but only left a slight cut penetrating the armor. Kirin did this a few times more as the robot tried dodging the sword. It sped up but so did Kirin. She swung the blade like a whirlwind at it. Eventually it stopped moving, it slowly fell apart and sacked into a pile of metal. Kirin turned her head and glanced at the robot across the bridge. How was she gonna defeat that thing with this much robots around it to support it. She glanced at the sword. [center][color=8882be]"Any ideas?"[/color][/center]