[@dragonmancer][@Kit DewStein] Titania hadn't slowed down even a bit, her eyes darted around to each person as they walked over and had themselves a good look at all her items, not only was she talking to each person and smiling brightly but her expert eyes for detail were watching every person to make sure no one tried to rob her, She was not going to go hungry tonight. While doing this her eyes scanned across the crowd and the person who stood out to her was a very large man with glowing candle eyes, not a completely unbelievable sight in this crazy mixed up world, but still quite odd. And next to him stood another powerful looking man, However she wasn't there to gawk the five minutes had passed and she needed to get started. With a deep breath she spoke to the medium sized group that had gathered, including the two strange men, [color=ed1c24]"Alright everyone if you could just step back about 10 feet. I'll start the show."[/color] After everyone had taken the time to step back Titania picked up an old sword that she had found in a ditch a few days prior, it was cracked in many places, rusted and quite damaged. then she grabbed a piece of iron. Titania held them up so everyone could see and then when she pulled them back down in front of herself the "fireworks" really began. Her hands suddenly started to glow until they were as hot as a forge and she began working on the sword, heating the metal with her bare hands and basically reforging the sword in a matter of minutes. Once it was ready for the anvil she laid the sword down on it, let her hands cool down and then she reached her hand into the air and let out a loud whistle as a Blacksmith's hammer seemed to fall right out of the sky and land perfectly in it. She began working quickly a true master of her craft, suddenly a shadow covered the crowd and what looked like a Hawk landed on her shoulder, upon further inspection the crowd would begin gasping at the realization that the bird was completely made of steel and iron with a soft blue light glowing in it's eyes and between the gears in it's chest. Titania was completely unfazed at Horus's presence, he always watched her work so she barely even noticed he was there. with a deep breath she picked up the sword that now looked brand new, with the tips of her fingers she slowly sharpened it, sending sparks flying for the crowd effect. After that she held up the beautiful new sword for the crowd to see, sharp and shining beautifully in the sun of the hot day, "[color=ed1c24]All the weapons I'm selling are made in this way...with the touch of the gods...[/color]" Titania turned to her wagon and pulled off a little box about 1 square foot in diameter, it was made of all kinds of gears and metal and on the top was a small button. The moment she sat the box down she pressed the button and the gears started turning something inside and then suddenly the air was filled with peaceful and beautiful music. A sweet and attractive smile played across Her lips as she went and stood behind her booth, people now buying much more than before.