Zim saluted when told to salute, released it when told to release it. He listened intently on the briefing and the new information given to him. Split the team in two? Well that wouldn't be too bad, there were two of almost every type in the group already, except for Sigma on sniper, Elora on insight and scout, and Katya on repairs of course. If it were Zim's call, he would put Sigma and Elora on separate teams. Sigma's long range targeting could be used as a spotter early on, and Zim would probably be making use of his Stealth, which would make him being on Elora's team less useful as the stealth put him off the scanners, so he might as well be on the team that didn't have the scanner capability. Beyond that, "Well, I guess it doesn't matter too much," Zim thought. The new unit type was going to be problematic to be sure. Again, if Zim had it his way, he would have Elora pin-point the mists and other specialty types, so that way someone with long range bombardment could deal with taking them out from a good safe distance. Sigma would do the same on her team, being both the spotter and the person to take them out could be more efficient, other then having to find each one individually. But, Zim wasn't the one in charge. He would save his opinions unless asked of them. When it was time to ask questions Zim raised his hand and waited for his opportunity to speak. "Sir, I know the primary objective is to repel the Cruxi invasion. However, if there is an opportunity are there secondary considerations, such as capture of specific unit types?" Blackstar's ability to use the Wave Surger to destroy just specific functions of a machine made him the person for the job if it arose. In an ideal situation he could stealth up to the target and destroy the targets power supply. The pilot might be able to manually eject and escape, but otherwise the unit could be captured for study. Of course ideals and reality were notoriously divergent.